Canadian Cyclist


September 15/06 5:08 am - Alberta Masters Provincial Road Race Championships

Posted by Editoress on 09/15/06

2006 Alberta Masters Provincial Road Race Championships
Courtesy Jim Oldham

The 2006 edition of the Alberta Masters Provincial Road Race Championships were held at Crossfield Alberta on September 10th. The race was hosted for the fifth year by the Calgary CrankMasters Cycling Club.

The sweet young things, ages 30 and older, were out in force to compete for the hardware and prizes at stake this year. The race was held for the first time on a new course located approximately 7 kilometres NE of Crossfield (approximately 60 kilometres north of Calgary) on terrain that is fondly known locally as "rolling ranch lands". Weather conditions were as good as it gets at this time of year for the area with clear skies, winds blowing from the WNW at 10-30 kph and the ambient temperature ranging from 18-22 Deg C over the length of the race.

Only the Fort St. John Blizzard Cycling Club was able to break the dominance of the Edmonton and Calgary clubs in medal winning categories with two medals. The Juventus Cycling Club from Edmonton led the parade to the podium with 4 medals.

Master A Men (30 - 39) - 108 KM
1. Trev Williams (Speed Theory)2:44:00
2. Brennan Bagdan (Pedalhead Roadworks)2:50:37
3. Jared Green (TRS Racing)s.t.
4. Jeff Neilson (Terrascape)2:51:01
5. Craig Good (Synergy)2:51:15
6. Byron Davis (Pedalhead Racing)s.t.
7. Mike Norton (TRS Racing)2:51:20
8. Harley Borlee (Team H&R Block)2:52:36
9. Gideon Krishtalka (Team H&R Block)2:53:35
10. Craig DeBellefeuille (Synergy)2:54:27
11. Dwayne Myers (Terrascape)s.t.
12. George Irwin (River Valley Cycle)3:03:45
13. Adam Boyko (Team H&R Block)3:08:58
14. James Purdy (bicisport)3:16:06
15. Jack Van Dyk (Terrascape)3:16:07
16. Bill Blonski (bicisport)at 1 lap
dnf. Keith Bayly (Deadgoat)
dnf. Tim Bulger (ERTC/redbike)
dnf. Brian Kullman (Synergy)
dnf. Sean Lukan (Deadgoat)
dnf. Clayton Paradis (Pedalhead Racing)
dnf. Jason Proche (Pedalhead Roadworks)
dnf. James Ritchie (Independent)
dnf. Paul Robertson (Terrascape)
dnf. Curtis Roper (Velocity)
dnf. Mark Stranzinger (Terrascape)
dnf. Greg Yanicki (bicisport)
dnf. Robin Auld (Cranked)
Master B Men (40 - 49) - 72 KM
1. Bruce Copeland (Juventus)1:48:20
2. Robert Martens (Blizzard)1:52:23
3. Ted Dahms (Pedalhead Roadworks)s.t.
4. Kevin Rokosh (ERTC/redbike)s.t.
5. Phil Rayner (Headwinds)s.t.
6. Michael Johns (Central Alberta Bicycle Club)1:58:20
7. Kevin Coghlan (Pedalhead Roadworks)s.t.
8. Andrew Gage (Eurotech)s.t.
9. Doug Urness (Central Alberta Bicycle Club)1:58:34
10. Tommy Mak (Eurotech)1:58:38
11. Dave Watson (Velocity)s.t.
12. Paul Anderson (Speed Theory)2:01:59
13. Jeff Bell (Highwood)s.t.
14. Michael Godfrey (CrankMasters)s.t.
15. John Plant (Synergy)s.t.
16. James Tallian (CrankMasters)s.t.
17. Robert Reid (CrankMasters)2:05:01
18. Scott Anderson (Calgary Bicycle Track League)2:05:30
19. Thomas Auer (Calgary Cycle)2:08:54
20. Geoff Rackette (Velocity)2:11:31
21. Lorne Dmitruk (Cycle Logic)2:13:25
22. Don Mankewich (Alberta Randonneurs)2:15:25
23. Rod Lewis (Blizzard)2:27:51
24. Jeff Holmwood (Independent)2:29:01
dnf. LeRoy Brower (Pedalhead Roadworks)
dnf. Paul Ermantrout (Velocity)
dnf. Christopher McCue (CMC/Bow Cycle)
dnf. Greg Stevenson (CMC/Bow Cycle)
dnf. Alan Underhill (Pedalhead Roadworks)
Master C (50 - 59) & Master D (60 - 69) - 72 KM
1. Wayne Long (United Cycle)2:05:22 (C - gold)
2. Don Fox (Juventus)2:05:36 (C - silver)
3. David Embury (Juventus)2:05:49 (C - bronze)
4. Tom Mumby (Juventus)2:06:41 (C)
5. Lorne Short (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club)2:09:11 (C)
6. Mike Zelensky (Terrascape)2:09:56 (C)
7. Ivan Todosjczuk (ERTC/redbike)2:11:04 (C)
8. Bob Andrews (Blizzard)2:16:57 (C)
9. Mike Irvine (CrankMasters)2:17:37 (C)
10. Lev Krivitsky (Terrascape)2:18:35 (D - gold)
11. Mark Jones (Cycle-logic)2:23:55 (C)
12. Douglas Laver (Independent)2:25:12 (C)
13. Steve Sampson (CrankMasters)2:30:11 (D - silver)
14. Richard Wood (Blizzard)2:46:52 (D - bronze)
dnf. Terry Andrichuk (CMC/Bow Cycle)(C)
Women: Master A (30 - 39) & Master B (40 - 49) - 56 KM
1. Tanya Salomon (TRS Racing)1:37:07 (A - gold)
2. Joy Mekechuk (Juventus)1:39:53 (B - gold)
3. Jill Kuntze (TRS Racing)1:40:00 (A - silver)
4. Carolyn Soules (CrankMasters)1:40:06 (B - silver)
5. Liane Angerman (Synergy)1:50:38 (A - bronze)
6. Yvonne Harnoth (Juventus)1:58:55 (A)


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