Canadian Cyclist


November 14/98 1:08 am - News from PEI

Posted by Editor on 11/14/98

News From PEI

The wheeling and dealing is underway at the CCA AGM, as the Board began its deliberations today. Significant changes can be expected for members, particularly with regard to insurance costs, as the Association prepares for 1999. Among the items on the agenda:

- a change in the way insurance for events is collected; with individual event costs increasing.

- R and T (Recreation and Transportation) being dropped from the Executive of the Board. Further, R and T will become no more than a part of the Development Committee, signalling a move by the CCA to become even more focussed on High Performance.

- The Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) is likely to become a member Œnot in good standing‚, since the Association is not up-to-date with its fees. This means that the OCA will not be able to represent its members at the CCA in a voting capacity until it is up-to-date.

- expect CCA licence fees to go up for 1999 (and expect provinces to explore offering ŒProvincial Only‚ licence options next year).

I am Œbanned‚ from the Board meeting (apparently the material presented is too Œsensitive‚ for the cycling public...), but will report back on results on these issues as they become available.

Among other tidbits picked up at the AGM:

- IMG (the new PR company for the UCI in the World Cup of mountain biking) is interested in putting on a World Cup Mountain Bike event in Canada, but it won‚t happen until they can secure a 3 year Œwindow‚; which means 2001 at the earliest.

- the UCI is in the process of securing a title sponsor for the mountain bike World Cup (to replace Grundig); the rumoured front runner is McDonalds. Another sponsor mentioned is Yahoo! - the internet company. Signings are reported to be imminent...

Shameless Gossip Department

On the same flight as me were Peter Mansbridge and Cynthia Dale. They may have been trying to get away for a quiet weekend, but the entire flight was nudging and poking each other...


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