Canadian Cyclist


September 29/06 11:13 am - Petro-Canada Sport Leadership Sportif

Posted by Editoress on 09/29/06

Petro-Canada Sport Leadership Sportif 2006
Courtesy SIRC

The online registration form for Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif 2006 is now available.

Check out the exciting schedule of events planned for Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif 2006 in Vancouver, November 3-5 at One of the world's premier conferences for sport leaders, this event will bring together more than 500 coaches, sport administrators, athletes, and coach educators to share ideas and experiences and gain insights from renowned experts.

Register now for Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif 2006 and take advantage of the many professional development and networking opportunities available to you.

Conference registration deadline is October 24. A late fee of $50 Cdn will be charged for registrations received after October 24. All registrations must be accompanied by payment.

Note: The hotel reservation deadline is October 6. To secure the special conference rate of $125 Cdn/night, contact the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre at 1-800-663-9255 or by e-mail at When making reservations, indicate that you are attending "Petro-Canada Sport Leadership 2006".


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