Canadian Cyclist


November 24/98 11:13 am - Seattle Report

Posted by Editor on 11/24/98

7th Annual Winter W.O.W. MTB Tour

Maybe it should be the "Global Warming November Ride"! Doesn't look like any snow for this weekend, but we're riding anyway. Our annual MTB tour at the Mansfield Outdoor Centre happens Sunday, November 29th at 10:30AM. The ride lasts from 3-4 hours depending upon trail conditions. Lots of single track and some good hills and great times. It's always one of our favourite rides and an excellent way to wrap up the season. Registration includes water bottle, energy bar, lunch (with Joan's Killer Brownies) and there will be some draw prizes too! Cost is $25 up until Nov. 25 - add $5 after that. Registration is limited to 75. We've still got spaces left right now but get your registration in soon. If you procrastinate please call us before you show up 'cause we might be full. W.O.W. (Wizard Of Wheels) phone is 905-567-7593. Registration forms are on our website at (Tours Page). Hope to see you there!

Seattle Report
(courtesy Geoff Kabush)

Here is a little report from the west coast Canadian attack on the SuperCup.

Three Canadians; Carter Hovey (Rocky Mountain), Andrew Pinfold (Neworld Cycle), and myself (Geoff Kabush - Kona Factory) went down for a wet Seattle weekend.

SuperCup #4 was at the South SeaTac race course which thanks to the rain turned into a bit of a spoogefest. The mud turned out to be the main factor on the course with the power riders turning out on top. Locals Dale Knapp and John Sundt went 1-2. Due to our late registration and lack of SuperCup points all three of us Canadians started on almost the back row of the 83 man field. Myself and Carter fought up to 17th and 21st by the end of the day with Pinner succumbing to technical problems. Sad note of the day was third elite woman Mary McConneloug returned to the parking area after the race to find her car and bike, along with her wallet, gone.

Day Two was contested on a just as wet but firmer North SeaTac course. A faster pace and shorter race made for more exciting racing. I managed to talk myself up to a better start position while Carter and Pinner fought from midpack where some aggressive eastern Canadian start tactics caused quite a pile-up on the asphalt. Mark McCormack led all racers across the finish line. All three Canadians finished in the top twenty of the 76 man field with myself in 7th, Carter in 16th, and Pinner in 19th. Carter and I taking 4th and 1st in the Espoir division. The field was very deep in talent with Pinner and Carter both pleased at beating top American mountain bikers Steve Larsen and Dave Wiens. Pinner and I were among the few racing with flat bars and were able to gain time by riding over a section of double barriers which was cheered by the sizeable crowd.

The race was supported very well by the community and sponsors. Festina and Saturn held a very nice gourmet banquet for all the riders on Saturday with lots of free schwag.

Hope this is of interest. Over and Out.
Geoff Kabush

1998 Mountain Bike World Championships Coverage

We have removed the World's Page from the top of the Daily News section. However, you will always be able to go to it by clicking here.

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