Canadian Cyclist


October 24/06 9:44 am - UCI News

Posted by Editoress on 10/24/06

UCI News
Courtesy UCI

Team Collaboration

The UCI's President Pat McQuaid, will meet the representatives of the professional cycling teams in Paris tomorrow (October 25th), during the Annual General Meeting of the AIGCP (International Association of Professional Cycling Teams).

During this meeting, Mrs Anne Gripper, Manager of the UCI's Anti-doping Department, will present the new direction of the fight against doping: rules modifications and report on the progress situation of the studies currently underway.

ASO's Refusal

The UCI would like to state also that a proposal of collaboration in terms of anti-doping fight, which was recently addressed to ASO, Tour de France organiser, was firmly refused. The UCI deeply regrets this.

Leaving aside all the differences which persist on the UCI ProTour, the intention of the UCI involved allowing the organizers of the biggest cycling race to participate in the development of the anti-doping strategy which will be put into place at the beginning of the next season.

Doping is a common problem to all parties involved in cycling, and the UCI, given the mission conferred by its institutional role, would like to broaden the discussion with all its stakeholders as it has always done it in the past.

ASO's decision, along with their decision not to invite the President of the UCI to the presentation of the 2007 Tour de France on Thursday, constitutes an additional proof of the will of its leaders to refuse their solidarity to the cycling family, in the most difficult circumstances.

The UCI can only take note of this attitude and express its strong disagreement with the people responsible for this decision.

Appeal to WADA

As regards the recent developments of the "Puerto" operation, in particular the communication of October 3rd in which the Spanish authorities notified the UCI of the ban to use documents of this file for any disciplinary procedure, our Federation has asked for the intervention of the World Agency Anti-doping Agency (WADA).

The UCI indeed considers that WADA, which often claims its position of influence in the relations between the political authorities and the sports authorities, must now utilise that influence with the Spanish government by supporting the will of the UCI to be able to complete the disciplinary procedures which were opened according to its rules and regulations.

The UCI is determined to establish individual responsibility of all persons implied in this affair and counts on WADA's support to reach this as soon as possible.


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