Canadian Cyclist


November 2/06 12:45 pm - WISE Fund Annoucement

Posted by Editor on 11/2/06

WISE Fund Annoucement
Courtesy SIRC

The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) announced today that it is offering twelve grants of $900 to active girls and women and/or organizations offering sport programs targeted to girls and women. The WISE (Women in Sport Encouragement) Fund was developed in response to the ongoing financial need within the sport community and will help fund MSO-NSO-PSO sport initiatives in an effort to help financially assist members of the sport community in Canada. This fund is provided by CAAWS with support from Sport Canada. Since 2004, CAAWS has supported 32 individuals and organizations through this fund, dispersing over $29,000 to members of the sport community.

National and Multi-Sport Organizations, as well as their provincial affiliates, are encouraged to apply. Individuals (such as athletes, coaches, officials) may also apply. Note that details related to the WISE Fund criteria and application process can be found at Applications will be accepted between November 15th, 2006 and January 10th, 2007 and an announcement regarding the successful recipients will be made in March.


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