Canadian Cyclist


December 8/98 12:18 pm - UCI Doping Policy, UCI Road Rankings, More VN Awards

Posted by Editor on 12/8/98

Press Release - UCI - Lausanne - 8.dec.98

Following the reactions sparked off by the meeting between the International Olympic Committee and the International Federations on Friday 27 November, which were recently published in the press, the International Cycling Union (UCI) would like to make its official position known on the various subjects discussed at this meeting.

The UCI has been faced with the problem of doping for many years and its commitment is clearly demonstrated by the constant improvements in its global strategy in terms of controls and prevention. Moreover, the extent of its investment in the fight against doping (around 4.300.000 Swiss Francs in 1999) has enabled the introduction of unique antidoping control and medical monitoring programmes.

In this way, the UCI has shown its intention to fight this scourge by introducing a complete programme and not just limiting itself to discussion on sanctions.

It should be noted that in comparison with a lot of other sports, during his career a racing cyclist is obliged to undergo many more controls than other athletes in the majority of other sports. Moreover, it should be remembered that out of the endurance sports, only the Cycling, Skiing and Biathlon Federations conduct blood tests to limit the abuse of EPO.

We would also like to stress that the UCI hopes that scientists will soon find an effective means of detecting EPO and other undetectable products.

With regard to sanctions, the UCI continues to defend the principle of proportionality as a legal basis, which requires that consideration be given above all to the effects of a particular sanction. For example, a one year suspension for a professional cyclist or a tennis player has greater repercussions than for an amateur.

This reasoning is supported by an enquiry conducted by the Danish NOC (Idraetsliv, Berlignske Tidende and Gallup A/s) which has shown that the majority of the population in the biggest traditional cycling countries approves the sanctions imposed by the UCI for doping offences.

75% of Germans, 75% of French, 62% of Italians and 68% of Spaniards approved these sanctions and some even believe that they should be reduced.

How do you feel about the UCI/Cycling's position on doping sanctions (compared to the IOC)? Post your comments on the Forums.

UCI Road Rankings (Final for 1998)

1 BARTOLI, Michele ITA 2,808.00 points
2 JALABERT, Laurent FRA 2,273.00
3 OLANO MANZANO, Abraham ESP 2,057.00
4 PANTANI, Marco ITA 1,969.00
5 BOOGERD, Michael NED 1,674.50
6 ZUELLE, Alex SUI 1,571.00
7 TAFI, Andrea ITA 1,475.00
8 REBELLIN, Davide ITA 1,432.00
9 VANDENBROUCKE, Frank BEL 1,391.00
10 CAMENZIND, Oscar SUI 1,356.00
11 TCHMIL, Andrei BEL 1,242.00
12 ULLRICH, Jan GER 1,206.00
13 ZABEL, Erik GER 1,190.00
14 ESCARTIN COTI, Fernando ESP 1,149.00
15 VAN BON, Leon NED 1,140.00
16 CASAGRANDE, Francesco ITA 1,135.00
17 VAN PETEGEM, Peter BEL 1,132.50
18 CELESTINO, Mirko ITA 1,085.00
19 ELLI, Alberto ITA 1,077.00
20 JIMENEZ SASTRE, José Maria ESP 1,064.00
21 HAMBURGER, Bo DEN 1,055.00
22 MAGNIEN, Emmanuel FRA 1,040.00
23 KIRSIPUU, Jann EST 1,031.00
24 DUFAUX, Laurent SUI 1,025.75
25 ARMSTRONG, Lance USA 1,024.00


522 LUKASCEWICZ, Cszelaw CAN 53.00
522 WALTON, Brian CAN 53.00
667 FRASER, Gordon CAN 34.00
756 WALTERS, Mark CAN 25.00
837 WOHLBERG, Eric CAN 20.00
1002 PERRAS, Dominique CAN 13.00
1085 HADFIELD, Tim CAN 10.00
1294 ANAND, Mat CAN 6.00
1347 BEAUCHAMP, Sylvain CAN 5.00
1347 PRICE, Scott CAN 5.00
1472 BARRY, Michael CAN 4.00
1472 LANDRY, Jacques CAN 4.00
1606 CHRAPCHYNSKI, Steve CAN 2.00
1606 FAGNAN, Mathieu CAN 2.00
1671 HENDERSON, Rodney CAN 1.00

Trade Teams

1 MAPEI - BRICOBI ITA 8,565.00 points
2 CASINO FRA 6,885.00
3 RABOBANK NED 6,443.50
4 FESTINA - LOTUS FRA 5,823.25
5 TEAM POLTI ITA 5,580.00
6 BANESTO ESP 5,400.00
7 ASICS - CGA ITA 4,913.50
8 O.N.C.E. - DEUTSCHE BANK ESP 4,809.00

33 SATURN USA 800.00


1 ITALY 13,780.00 points
2 SWITZERLAND 8,749.25
3 SPAIN 8,431.00
4 FRANCE 7,851.75
5 BELGIUM 7,457.50
6 NETHERLANDS 6,389.00
7 GERMANY 5,400.00
8 RUSSIA 4,004.00
9 DENMARK 3,699.50
10 U.S.A. 3,607.50

28 CANADA 224.00

More Velonews Awards
(courtesy Hank Sydor)

Woman Mountain Biker of the Year - Alison Sydor

Most Dramatic Day of Racing (Mountain Bike) - Alison Sydor's dash for the finish line on foot when her chain broke at The UCI World Cup in Plymouth, GB, taking 3rd and beating Caroline Alexander by 1 second.

O' Grady Awards

Worst Turn - Roland Green's one fast Canadian but don't count on him for directions. He led a group of seven front-runners off the beaten track in the Continental Divide Stage at the Mercury Tour.

Worst Jersey Design - Mapei-Bricobi (same as Mapei-Kona)


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