Canadian Cyclist


December 10/98 12:45 pm - Vote!, New Forums Look

Posted by Editor on 12/10/98


You have approximately 12 hours left to vote in the 1998 Canadian Cyclist of the Year awards. Go Here. We will announce the winners in our 4 categories tomorrow at 3:30 pm EST in Daily News, and at the CCSD Banquet in Victoria (where the awards will actually be presented).


We are busy sending out our Christmas cards, and there is still time to get them for Christmas! For more information, go Here.

Forums Go Threaded

We are experimenting with a threaded version of the Forums, so that you can respond to a particular topic with your comments. Please go and try it out, and let us know what you think. On the main Forums page you will see (and can add) a new Forums topic. When you go into a particular topic, you have the option of adding a new posting on that topic.

We have already had the comment that it would be good to add a count of responses to a particular thread on the front page, so that people would know if things have changed within the thread - we are working on that now.


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