Canadian Cyclist


November 22/06 9:08 am - Ontario 'Cross Provincials & Midweek Club Banquet

Posted by Editor on 11/22/06

Midweek Club Announcements - Ontario

Provincial Cyclocross:

As you may know we are hosting the provincial cyclocross championship this Sunday at Centennial Park. Complete and up to date information is available in the technical guide at

A Message from Craig:


We need the help of as many people as we can get to help with set-up and race day for this Sunday's Cyclo-Cross

Craig will be on course by 11am this Friday setting up the course (pounding in stakes and stretching tape) and he expects to go until dark (7pm ish). Then he's back the next morning by 9 am until finished.

On Saturday he needs some help with the p.a. system, doing final bits and pieces and registration etc. This course does not require marshals so no one is going to be stuck on some corner all day. And he needs help to tear everything down. It is always surprising how much faster tear-down is compared to set-up.

If you can spare any time what so ever, he'd appreciate all the help you can give.

Please email ( or call Craig at 416.252.7903 to coordinate details. His cell is 416.886.7903

The End of Season Dinner:

This will be at the Granite Brewery (Mt. Pleasant & Eglinton) on Monday Dec. 4th (7:00 pm approx.) Tickets will be $30. Please e-mail me ( to reserve your spot. Dinner will accommodate vegetarian options and there will be a cash bar.

We will also take this opportunity to appoint new members for executive roles in the club, if you are interested or have a nomination please come forward.


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