Canadian Cyclist


November 27/06 8:41 am - Athlete & Coaching Grants

Posted by Editor on 11/27/06

Canada Games Council Grants
Courtesy Cycling BC

The Canada Games Council (CGC) and the Foundation for Athletes Sport Training (FAST) have partnered for a third year in order to deliver the Canada Games FAST Track athlete grant program. The program will provide direct financial assistance to Canada's next generation national team athletes to support their training and competition needs.

The grant is designed to fill a gap in Canada's sport system and support Canada Games-level athletes who are targeted and on the pathway to excellence at the national team level. Grants will be awarded to athletes who compete in any one of the 37 sports on the program for the 2007 and 2009 Canada Games.

The Canada Games FAST Track athlete grant will award a minimum of 60 grants for $2000.00 each to next generation national team athletes across Canada. The eligibility criteria and selection process have been set out in the program guidelines. Athlete performance over the last two competitive seasons will be used as a key indicator for identifying recipients.

The deadline for application receipt is Monday December 4, 2006, 5:00pm EST.

Applications can be found on the Canada Games Council website:

Coaching Association of Canada ˆ Financial Assistance Program
Courtesy CAC

The Coaching Association of Canada has recently announced "Making Dreams Possible", a new grant program intended to support both Club coaches and High Performance Coaches. For details on the program visit


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