Canadian Cyclist


December 17/98 10:26 am - Madsen Suspension Update

Posted by Editor on 12/17/98

Madsen Update

We have more information on the Steen Madsen suspension. The 27 year old Madsen is a newcomer to the National Team program - only named to the program in early November. He first rode with the team at the World Cup track event in Victoria this past May in the Olympic Sprint, and then again at the World Championships in Bordeaux, France (August). The Edmonton, Alberta rider is not a carded athlete (ie, does not receive government funding).

Pat Healy, Executive Director of the Canadian Cycling Association, stated: "We hate to see this happen, obviously, but it shows that the program we have works well." Healy said that the matter is now in the hands of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. Steen has the right to appeal the testing procedure (through the CCES), and reportedly has retained a lawyer to represent him.

As a point of interest: there have been only 2 previous Canadian cyclists in the past 15 years to test positive in this sort of infraction - both road racers from Ontario.


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