Canadian Cyclist


December 6/06 11:44 am - 2007 Pan Am Games Athlete Ombudsperson Search

Posted by Editor on 12/6/06

2007 Pan Am Games Athlete Ombudsperson Search
Courtesy SIRC

The Canadian Olympic Committee is accepting applications for the position of Athlete Ombudsperson for the 2007 Pan American Games Team. The Athlete Ombudsperson provides guidance and counsel for athletes to quickly and effectively resolve disputes and issues. If necessary, with the Athlete's consent, this person may arrange representation for the athlete at any hearing, dispute resolution or appeal process.


Bilingual; knowledge of the COC and its operational procedures including the Athlete Agreement, knowledge and understanding of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and in particular the ad hoc panel of the CAS in place at the Games; excellent people skills (patient, good listener, approachable); troubleshooting skills; good judgment; legal knowledge/experience is essential. Other assets: having participated as an athlete at a major Games(Pan-Ams or Olympic); experience as a team manager at the international level.



* Participate in Rio Preparation Seminar.

* Maintain the integrity of the Athlete Ombudsperson position by refraining from becoming involved in team selection or other disputes prior to the Games

On Site:

* Approximately 4 weeks commitment on site

* Provide guidance for athletes to quickly and work to effectively resolve disputes and issues. If necessary, with the Athlete's consent, this person may arrange representation for the athlete at any hearing, dispute resolution or appeal process

* Act in a representative capacity on behalf of athletes before the ad hoc CAS panel in cases where there is no conflict in positions between the athlete and the COC and the athlete ombudsperson determines it appropriate

* If the assistance of the athlete pertains strictly to a matter between the athlete and the COC, the athlete ombudsperson shall dutifully and, without any influence on the part of the COC, exclusively dedicate him/herself to pursue resolution of the matter to the satisfaction of all concerned

* The Chef de Mission shall be responsible to ensure the independence of the Athlete Ombudsperson.

* Confidentiality - statements made by an athlete to the athlete ombudsperson are confidential subject to only as otherwise agreed between the athlete and the athlete ombudsperson

* Public announcements - the athlete ombudsperson is not to make any public statements unless otherwise directed by the Chef de Mission or his/her delegate

* All issues between an athlete and the COC (or another athlete, a Team Coach, a Team Official, or any other Team Member) in respect of which the athlete ombudsperson becomes engaged shall be treated as a private matter between the athlete and those involved. The athlete ombudsperson shall not communicate anything of the issue beyond those directly involved and those indirectly involved who are necessary to communicate with in order to bring a final resolution to the issue.

* Assist with overall team operations, specifically with Athlete Services, as requested by the Director or Manager of Team Operations. This includes, but not limited to, operations set-up/take-down, arrivals-departures procedures, on site athlete orientation, athletes lounge & services etc.

* Participate in team meetings as requested by the Director or Manager of Team Operations

Responsibilities Post Games:

* Contribute to post-Games debriefing and/or report. Submit report to COC Athlete's Council as well.

* Review job outline and provide any relevant revisions to Director, Team Operations


Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV and Application Form ( ) to the Canadian Olympic Committee on or before December 15, 2006


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