Canadian Cyclist


December 6/06 4:06 am - 2007 Victoria School Cycling League

Posted by Editoress on 12/6/06

2007 Victoria School Cycling League
Courtesy Lister Farrar

Parents and students: Tell your school you‚re interested by Dec 13th

A group of community coaches and cyclists is volunteering to work with the Lower Island School Cycling League to add some new fun elements and make it more accessible with a wider variety of events such as short track races, relays, and judged skill competitions. The group is offering to recruit coaches for schools that are interested. Cycling BC has offered the services of newly appointed Victoria regional coach Steve Lund as a consultant to the coaches and the League. Each school program is open to all kids interested in cycling, including those who don‚t know if they want to compete.

Victoria cyclists stepping forward to help organize or coach include Jason Anson, Dawn Berg, Tim Clarkson, Trevor Connor, John Errington, Lister Farrar, Alex Jefthas, Kas Karim, Lisa Ludwig, Steve Lund, Derek McMaster, Jaymie McGowan, Clare-Hall Patch, Matt Powsey, Dave Shishkoff, Rick Thiessen, Karl Ulrich.

The Lower Island School Cycling League is meeting to discuss the future of the League December 13, 2006 at 4 p.m. at Pacific Christian School. Interested parents and students must let their respective school athletic director know of their interest so they can give accurate input to the meeting. For the name phone and email of your school‚s athletic director, check here: For more information contact Lister Farrar at


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