Canadian Cyclist


December 21/98 11:28 am - Redden Wins SuperCup Final

Posted by Editor on 12/21/98

Redden Wins Saturn SuperCup Final
(courtesy Chrissy Redden)

The biggest cycle cross series in North America ended this past weekend just west of Boston with the SuperCup Finals and the American Nationals. The SuperCup Final was on the Sunday on a surprisingly mild day. Temperatures during the day were probably as high as 10-11 degrees C, with dry hard packed grass sections. The toughest part of the course was a short, steep muddy section that was like a wall to climb. The race started off quickly, then as everyone was jostling for position, we came to the second barrier section and my chain jammed. I had to dismount and physically unjam it. Not a major problem, but at the beginning of a race, that put me in about 20th position. Within a 1/2 lap I had caught the lead group of about 8 women, but noticed that Alison Dunlap had attacked and got away. With another 1/2 lap I had made my way through the pack and attacked hard to get away and start reeling in Alison, who already had a 25 second lead. After 2 laps of staying fairly even with her, and with the duo of Carmen Richardson and Mary Hern about 20 seconds behind me, Alison pulled off the course with a derailleur problem. For the rest of the race I maintained the lead and slowly gained a bit more time over the second and third positions. The racing was very fast, and close. It was good to participate in such an exciting women's cross race!




Ritchey Swiss Cross (no bike changes mid race)
Oakley MFrame with sweep Rx lens

Note: Geoff Kabush was third in the Espoir race.


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