Canadian Cyclist


December 13/06 6:50 am - BC News: Spaces for the Six Days of Burnaby Filling Up Fast!!, Escape Velocity Hires Jeremy Storie

Posted by Editoress on 12/13/06

Giant Bicycles' Six Days of Burnaby Filling Up Fast!!
Courtesy Glenn Barr

Only 11 days remain before the registration cut-off date for the Giant Bicycles Six Days of Burnaby!! Spaces are limited and are filling up fast!

Registration ends Christmas Eve, so get your name in now and don't be disappointed. Registration is available through If you can't use Karelo, you must contact the organizers and reserve your spot that way, before the 24th.

Escape Velocity Strengthens dEVo Junior Program by Hiring Jeremy Storie
Courtesy Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity (EV) has strengthened its junior program by hiring Jeremy Storie, as its dEVo coach and program coordinator for 2007.

Jeremy will be responsible for overseeing the coordination and coaching of Escape Velocity's junior athletes in a new three-tiered model of delivery. There is now an entry level option (dEVo club), a group coaching option (dEVo race), and an individualized coaching option (dEVo peak). The new dEVo program structure recognizes the need to provide appropriate development opportunities for riders of all ages, an important aspect of EV's vision and mission. The model also reflects and re-enforces the Canadian Cycling Association's Long-term athlete development model, and the needs of our current juniors.

"Jeremy is so well know for his successes as a coach, that EV is very lucky to have him return to the program he started as a volunteer in 1999." says, Brian Storey, EV V.P. Jeremy has a long list of accomplishments in cycling, including coaching many junior and senior National Team Athletes to National Championship titles, World Cup medals, Commonwealth Games teams, and Pan Am Games teams. His program coordination an operations experience includes directing the women's pro-team, and Symmetrics Cycling Team.


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