Canadian Cyclist


December 29/98 7:21 am - Jackson 8th in CP Awards

Posted by Editor on 12/29/98

Jackson 8th in CP Polling

Road racer Linda Jackson finished 8th in the Canadian Press polling for the 1998 CP Female Athlete of the Year - speedskater Catriona Le May Doan was the winner. The award is voted upon by sports editors and broadcasters across Canada, with votegetters receiving 1st, 2nd or 3rd place votes (3, 2 or 1 points, respectively). Le May Doan won with 399 points (100 firsts, 47 seconds and 5 thirds), golfer Lorie Kane was second (248 points) and kayaker Caroline Brunet was third (69). Jackson received 30 points (2 firsts, 5 seconds, 14 thirds). The only cyclist to have won the award is mountain biker Alison Sydor, in 1996.


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