Canadian Cyclist


January 3/07 8:52 am - Forest City Velodrome News

Posted by Editor on 01/3/07

Forest City Velodrome News

New Recreational Ride Schedule (the website will be updated this week for all schedules and programs)

* Beginning January 2nd, Tuesday's Rec Session will start at 4 pm.

* Sport Riding Sessions - Thursday 7-9, Sunday 10-noon, Track School Level 2 required

* Women's Only Sunday Sessions

Sport Riding Sessions
To better serve our recreational members at the FCV we have extended an invitation for recreational riders wanting to upgrade their abilities in "Fun" Sport Sessions. These sessions will take place on Thursday's 7 pm - 9 pm & Sunday 10am- Noon. This is what you can expect:

Pace line riding with speeds up to 45 kmph, structured sprint & endurance drills to improve your fitness. These are not race efforts, but sport sessions. The only prerequisite is having successfully completed Track 2.

Revamped Track School System

* Track 1 & 2 for Recreational Riders
* Sport Rider Sessions - Thursday evenings & Sunday mornings
* Race Specific Sessions Wednesday Night & Sunday Afternoon

Youth Velodrome Challenge

The FCV has released details of the World Internet Challenge. Our intention is to promote a friendly competition with all velodromes around the world. The challenge is targeting youth 10 years - 19 years to get involved with cycling, improve their fitness & track times for specific distances at your track. for details.


The FCV is offering open track sessions for Velo-Kids to help bring new Kids into the program. The FCV is looking for young riders. No experience is necessary, Ages 8 to 14.

Saturdays 4 pm to 6 pm
* Professional Instructors
* Track Bike to use
* Infield or Velodrome riding
* We will supply everything.....

If you know of any child wanting to get involved just have the children at the velodrome at 4 pm on Saturdays.

A very special thanks to the Trillium Foundation for their support of our
Velo-Kids Program.

2007 Racing Licenses & Insurance Forms

These will be available shortly. Again once they are ready we ask all members to sign the waiver for the entire 2007 calendar year. Racers, on your 2007 UCI License, please mark off Road/Track so that there is no confusion if you want to compete at Track Nationals in the summer. Note: OCA will send them when they are ready

Bike Storage

Magnus is working on bike storage for an additional 50 Track Bikes. The hooks will be available behind the track surface in corner #1. If we need more spaces, we will start in corner #4. The FVC thanks everyone for their patience in getting new storage built. Just a reminder that the FCV is not responsible for any bikes or equipment left at the track. Please lock your equipment up when storing it at the velodrome.

Upgrades Continue at FCV

Completion of the inner oval and roll around will be completed in a week. The London Thrashers will be hosting a Roller Derby Demonstration match in February. Details to follow.

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates were purchased for many stockings this year. They are available by emailing It is a great way to introduce someone to the track. The certificates can be used for any activity at the velodrome like Track 1 Learn to Ride or Rec sessions (each $30 session includes track bike rental)

Ride for MS

Here is your chance to ride 800 laps in one session and support a good cause. Date for the ride is Friday, January 19, 2007. Sign in and prep time is at 6:30 pm. Riding will start at 7 pm. For further details see the FCV website or contact Piers Davidge at Participants must either bring $50 in pledges or pay a $50 entry fee. A pledge sheet is available on FCV website. Riders will be capped at a maximum of 40, so pre-register early.

Upcoming Events

* Saturday, Jan 6th - 7 pm London Track League
* Saturday, Jan 13th - 7 pm London Track League
* Friday , Jan 19th - 7 pm Ride for MS Fundraiser
* Saturday, Jan 20th - 7 pm CanAmQue Challenge (Details)
* Sunday, Jan 21st - 1 pm CanAmQue Challenge

Note recreational sessions are cancelled on Sunday, January 21st noon - 4 pm

Winter Nationals

February 16th - 18th

Registration $30.00

Omnium Racing Format: 5 Events combined

Senior Men & Women, Junior, Masters & V-Kids

Kilo, 500m, 1 Flying Lap, 3km TT, 100 lap Scratch & Points Race (Best 5 of 6 events)

"Special Sprint Tournament" (Sat.Night) - Top 12 Times Advance

Rules for Omnium:
1. Points awarded on finishing results
2. Sprint Tournaments -optional (except for top 12)
3. If you do not start an event last place points.
4. You may drop your weakest event that you start.
5. Trophies to top 6 in each Category (10 starters) for more information.

Full schedule can be found Here.

Weather Line: 519-878-7849


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