Canadian Cyclist


January 5/07 3:20 am - Canadian Team at the 2007 Cyclo-Cross World Championships

Posted by Editor on 01/5/07

Canadian Team at the 2007 Cyclo-Cross World Championships
Courtesy CCA

Eight athletes will represent Canada at the 2007 UCI Cyclo-cross World Championships in Hooglede-Gits, Belgium, on Jan. 27-28. Among those riders are three National Champions. Five athletes will also use the opportunity to participate in the UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup in Nommay, France on January 14th.

Elite Women
Tara Ross (ON)

Junior Men
Spencer Smitheman (AB) National Champion

U23 Men
Kyle Douglas (ON) National Champion
Aaron Schooler (AB)
Shaun Adamson (AB)
Brian Robinson (AB)

Elite Men
Greg Reain (ON) National Champion
Michael Garrigan (ON)

A number of other athletes were eligible to do the worlds but declined to participate:

Elite women: Lyne Bessette (QC), Wendy Simms (BC) and Mical Dyck (AB)

Junior men: Garrett McLeod (NS) and David Larson (AB)

U23 men: Mike Bidniak (AB) and Andrew Thomas (SK)

Elite men: Geoff Kabush (BC), Mathieu Toulouse (QC) and Kris Sneddon (BC)

Canadian team manager will be National Cycling Centre head coach Neil Ross based in Hamilton (ON).

* Note that the following riders will also attend the UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup in Nommay, France on January 14, 2007:

Tara Ross, ON - Elite women
Greg Reain, ON - Champion Canadien ˆElite men
Kyle Douglas, ON - Champion Canadien - U23 men
Shaum Adamson, AB - U23 men
Aaron Schooler, AB - U23 men

Editor's Note: The Canadian team will be staying at the Belgium Cycling Centre. CCA High Performance Director Kris Westwood commented: Team manager Neil Ross set up the accommodation there in consultation with, and on behalf of, the CCA, and we have paid the deposit on behalf of the riders. The Cycling Centre comes highly recommended by, among others, former Discovery team mechanic (and current Symmetrics mechanic) Geoff Brown, so we were happy to be able to try the place out for 'Cross Worlds with an eye to future use. The Centre has vehicles and other cycling-specific facilities, so it looks like a pretty good set up. Neil will provide us with a full review after the Worlds.

Huit athlètes courront pour les couleurs du Canada aux Championnats du monde UCI de cyclocross qui se disputeront à Hooglede-Gits, en Belgique, les 27 et 28 janvier 2007. Parmi eux, nous retrouverons trois Champions canadiens en titre et cinq athlètes qui profiteront de leur séjour en Europe pour participer à la Coupe du monde UCI de cyclocross en France, le 14 janvier.

Femmes Élite
Tara Ross (ON)


Spencer Smitheman (AB) - Champion Canadien

Kyle Douglas (ON) - Champion Canadien - U23 Homme
Aaron Schooler (AB)
Shaun Adamson (AB)
Brian Robinson (AB)

Greg Reain (ON) - Champion Canadien - Elite Homme
Michael Garrigan (ON)

Les autres athlètes suivants étaient éligibles, mais n'ont pas souhaité participer aux Championnats du monde :

Chez les femmes élites : Lyne Bessette (QC), Wendy Simms (C.-B.) et Mical Dyck (AB)

Chez les hommes junior : Garrett McLeod (Nouvelle-Écosse) et David Larson (AB)

Chez les hommes U23 : Mike Bidniak (AB) et Andrew Thomas (SK)

Chez les hommes élites : Geoff Kabush (C.-B.), Kris Sneddon (C.-B.) et Mathieu Toulouse (QC)

L'entraîneur qui accompagnera l'équipe canadienne est Neil Ross, du Centre national d'entraînement de Hamilton (On).

* Fait à noter, les athlètes suivants prendront part à la Coupe du monde UCI de cyclocross qui se tiendra à Nommay, en France le 14 janvier prochain :

Tara Ross, ON - Elite Femme

Greg Reain, ON - Champion Canadien - Elite Homme

Kyle Douglas, ON - Champion Canadien - U23 Homme

Shaum Adamson, AB - U23 Homme

Aaron Schooler, AB - U23 Homme


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