Canadian Cyclist


January 10/07 10:38 am - Velolove News

Posted by Editor on 01/10/07

Velolove News

Comet McNaught Ride

Thursday, January 11

It's been a long time since a naked eye comet was visible in Vancouver so here's a rare chance to see one. It looks like Comet McNaught may put on a half decent show.

Thursday is likely the best day to have a chance to see it -- given the fact that the comet is getting closer and closer to the sun and that Thursday appears to be the day most likely to have a cloudless evening sky. I know the timing is awkward, but seeing a comet can be quite a moving experience so it's well worth the effort.

We'll meet at Science World (1455 Quebec Street) and bike out to Second Beach in Stanley Park to get an unobstructed, fairly dark view of the southwestern horizon. The comet should be visible close to where the sun sets once the sky darkens.

Meet at 4:15pm for a 4:30pm (sharp) departure. Dress VERY, VERY warmly. If all goes well, we will be standing around in the cold for at least half an hour. If people want, we can stop somewhere on the way back for warm refreshments. I will bring a pair of binoculars that people can use but if you have a pair of your own, please bring them along as well.

Seeing the comet on Thursday is not guaranteed. A single misplaced wisp of cloud could spoil the view.

For more information, visit:

Midnight Mass Bike Ride

Thursday, January 11

This Thursday is the next midnight mass bike ride.

Don't let all of this extreme weather we've been having lately hold you back -- the forecast is for clear and cold (so maybe put on some extra wool socks, and pack yourself a nice hot beverage). If anything, this unpredictable weather should be bringing home to all of us just how much we need to ride more and drive less.

So grab your lights, your friends, and your mittens on strings. Pack up something warm to drink. And start thinking of places you'd like to ride to. As usual, we meet 11:45 pm at Grandview Park (Commercial Drive at Charles Street -- across from the Havana and Turks) and ride at midnight!

For more inforamtion and videos:

Margaret Charles Chopper Collective Ride

Friday, January 12

On the Second Friday of every month, Vancouver's freak art bike collective invites you to ride with this post-apocalyptic gang of delimitation riders.

Meet 6:30 pm at the Science World Gazebo (1455 Quebec Street) and ride at 7:00 pm or so.

For more information, visit

Bike Bee Potluck Planning Meeting

Sunday, January 14

Planning for the winter Bike Bee -- Winterbee, Saturday & Sunday, Feb 10-11 -- is underway and as usual there will be planning potluck meetings to get the groove on. The next 2 planning meetings will be afternoon bee brunches with the first on Sunday, Jan 11, 2:00pm! 2 is lucky! 2 is for wheels! (Yes the time was changed, it's now 2!)

Spartacus Books, 319 West Hastings, 2nd floor
Bring your bike upstairs!

The Winterbee will be nice & small & friendly, like a wet kitty on the back porch. Our focus will be basic winter maintenance, since many of us are riding around with filthy drivetrains & little slivers of brake pads. There will also be some seminar/craft oriented workshops (e.g. anti-theft). And we'll be offering an etcher to mark identifying numbers on your bike in case it gets stolen (courtesy of the VPD).

You can also join the discuss list if you would like to be more involved in the planning discussions. And of course you're welcome to hang out with us at the potluck meetings!

Momentum Bicycalendar Listings Deadline

Monday, January 15

MOMENTUM -- a unique magazine for self-propelled people -- is distributed FREE throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, Victoria and the Sunshine coast through libraries, community centres, bike and outdoors stores and cafés. Your listing reaches 40,000 readers!

Rides! Meetings! Discussions! Events!

So list your event in MOMENTUM's February/March Bicycalendar! Send your FREE cycling or self-propelled event listings to:

Please follow this format when submitting your listing:

Name of event
location (ie Vancouver , Victoria )
date & time
max. 25 word description (may include meeting location; description may be edited due to space constraints)
contact info

Priority is given to cycling-related events and also to those which are free or inexpensive.

For more information, contact Laura Bucci, MOMENTUM's Bicycalendar Editor, at or 604-669-9850.

Clean Air Commute Stop

Starting Wednesday, January 17

In honour of your steadfastness during this stormy season, Amanda & Corinne invite you to stop by our place during your morning commute for some espresso, nosh, and warm cheer.

When: Every Wednesday, anytime between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. (We'll start January 17th and go until the winter ends.)
Where: Our place - 511 Union St. (at Jackson) on the Adnac bike route.
What: Cappuccinos, lattes, espresso & muffins (bring your own travel mug)
Cost: FREE for Cyclists & Walkers. By donation for drivers. Proceeds go to BEST (Better Environmentally Sound Transportation) at

Please RSVP to for January 17th so that we know how busy we baristas will be. Feel free to pass this invitation along. See you then!

Vancouver Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting

Please note that in the last Velolove Announcements we listed a Vancouver Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) Meeting on Wednesday, January 17. Please note that the BAC has been "disbanded" until Vancouver City Council appoints a new committee, so there's no meeting this month, and it's uncertain whether there'll be one next month.

For more information, could check with Nicole Ludwig at 604-871-6399 or

Pedal Revolutionary Bike Radio

Thursday, January 18

And every other Thursday, from 5:00 to 6:00pm, on CiTR 101.9 FM

News about bike civic politics, chopper bikes, legal issues, bike maintenance, culture, fun and of course Critical Mass! Your hosts: Ifny,, and Conrad Schmidt,, 604-537-2044.

Pedal Revolutionary Bike Radio needs to hear from you! If you have a bike related event or announcement, email or during the show phone 604-UBC-CiTR (604-822-2487).

Web site:

Urbane Cyclist Article Deadline

Friday, January 19

It's time for another quarterly edition of the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition's newsletter The Urbane Cyclist! This edition the focus will be Safety and Crime Prevention.

This is your chance to let everyone know what's happening (or not happening!) in your community. Please send articles of about 300-400 words on cycling advocacy and related items to no later than Friday, January 19th 2007, for inclusion in the next newsletter expected out mid to late February.

The purpose of the newsletter is to share information regarding anything related to cycling: facility improvements (or the converse), cycling tips, education. Ideas and opinions are welcome.

If you have any questions regarding an article or comments on the newsletter please contact me at the email below.

Leslie Love
Editor, The Urbane Cyclist

VACC Vancouver/UBC Committee Meeting

Wednesday, January 24

If you ride your bike in Vancouver or UBC, come meet and work with other cyclists to help improve cycling facilities. Your active participation can make a real difference. Lend your voice and your support and get involved.

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Vancouver Public Library Firehall Branch, 1455 W. 10th Ave (the 10th Avenue Bike Route just east of Granville St.)

New participants are always welcome. These monthly meetings are open to all VACC members and non-members.

For more information, or if you have any items that you would like to have on the agenda, contact Jack Becker at 604-681-5744,

You Never Bike Alone

Saturday, January 27

You Never Bike Alone is a feature length documentary by Bob Alstead of ICYCLE.CA Film Productions, about how cyclists in Vancouver are building critical mass and changing the face of the city!

Cinemark Tinseltown Cinemas, 88 West Pender Street (3rd Floor)
7:00 pm, Saturday, January 27
Tickets $9 at the door (advance tickets available)

Drawing on footage shot over the last decade, and interviews with cyclists of every hue, it shows how Vancouver's cycling community has grown in strength and stature. You Never Bike Alone charts the history of Vancouver's Critical Mass rides from the early Tame the Lions rides, that helped bring about better bike facilities on the Lions Gate Bridge, to the wild spectacle of Vancouver's freak bike collective and the World Naked Bike Ride.

As well as extensive coverage of Vancouver's vibrant bike scene, it looks at the implications for cyclists of transportation decisions by politicians at municipal and provincial levels.

This showing is part of the 2007 Moving Pictures Vancouver Canadian Film Festival and Tour.

For more information email Bob Alstead at

Vancouver Bike Show EXPO

Saturday, February 17 and Sunday, February 18

Whether it's mountain biking, road, or BMX, you'll have the opportunity to talk shop with the pros, and ride away with great deals on bikes, gear & apparel at the 2007 Vancouver Bike Expo.

BC Place Stadium, 777 Pacific Blvd
Saturday, February 17th: 10am - 7pm
Sunday, February 18th: 10am - 5pm

One of the best new features for the 2007 show will be the NSMBA bike/gear swap, which has become the largest bike/gear swap in Western Canada! The 2007 swap will take place on the event floor during show hours. The best news is that all money raised will go to the NSMBA who maintain trails of all types on the North Shore! Also new for the 2007 show will be a showcase of Unicycle Hockey by Vancouver‚s own world champion Kris Holm and professional autograph sessions with Canada‚s top riders!

For exhibitor/sponsorship information, interview and photo opportunities, or press passes to the event, please contact
Richard Juryn at 604 983.2215 or

Critical and Midnight Masses

Critical and Midnight Masses are places to meet awesome bikers outside of the web, but what about online?

Come check out to chat and mingle with fellow cyclists from all over the city. Want to organize a bike ride? Post about it and get people to join you! Or talk about how the last ride went and share some of your pictures.

Despite the name it isn't just for fixie riders - all bikers (of the pedal variety) are welcome.


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