Canadian Cyclist


January 11/07 6:28 am - Kelly Benefit Strategies/Medifast Pro Cycling Team Will Ride LeMond Bikes

Posted by Editoress on 01/11/07

Kelly Benefit Strategies/Medifast Pro Cycling Team Will Ride LeMond Bikes
Courtesy LeMond Bikes

LeMond Bikes will be bringing their high-end bikes and race heritage to the newly formed Kelly Benefit Strategies/Medifast Pro Cycling Team in 2007. The 11-man team will be riding LeMond’s new Carbon Triomphe frame and also rolling on Bontrager wheels and components.

The Kelly Benefits Strategies/Medifast team will be on LeMond’s latest bike platform, the Carbon Triomphe. The Carbon Triomphe bikes feature a Min-Max design theory that results in a highly sculpted carbon frame that builds in compliance where needed and also increases rigidity at critical locations to produce one of the stiffest yet lightest bikes on the market.

The painted frame weighs just 950 grams yet given the smartly shaped carbon tubes is one of the laterally stiffest bikes made today. The payoff is a bike light enough for team climbing specialist Dominique Perras, but yet stiff enough for new team member and seasoned sprinter, Dave McCook.

In addition to the LeMond frames, the Kelly Benefits Strategies/Medifast team will be riding on Bontrager wheels and components. The team will be rolling Bontrager Aeolus 5.0 and Race X Lite wheels. The Race X Lite wheels provide the team with a proven low profile wheel. Meanwhile, the Aeolus 5.0 is a carbon aero wheel developed in conjunction with Bontrager, the Discovery Team, and Steve Hed (one of the most experienced and knowledgeable people in the world when if comes to bicycle wheel aerodynamics). It is the same wheel underneath the Discovery Team and provides the best in lightweight and aerodynamics. It’s versatile enough for climbing stages and time trials.

The team’s LeMond bikes will also be sporting Bontrager Race X Lite handlebars, stems, and seatposts for the ultimage in lightweight, strength, and durability.

“We’re excited to be on LeMond Carbon Triomphe bikes. They impressed us right away,” says Jonas Carney, Performance Director for Kelly Benefit Strategies/Medifast Team. “You can really feel and see how well designed and constructed these bikes are. In addition, the performance and versatility of the Bontrager Aeolus 5.0 has been blowing us away. The support from our gear sponsors has helped feed the confidence of the team. We feel sure we’re going to perform well off the starting line in 2007.”

“When it comes to innovation and performance, LeMond is way out in front of the pack,” says John Kelly, president, Kelly Benefit Strategies. “The Kelly Benefit Strategies/Medifast team is thrilled to have the performance and reliability of LeMond bikes, and to be riding the new Carbon Triomphe is really going to allow us to do the best we can throughout the season.”

The Kelly Benefit Strategies/Medifast team will be racing at all of the major NRC events in 2007 starting with the Tour of the Bahamas in February, and will work up to the Tour of Georgia.


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