Canadian Cyclist


January 28/07 6:50 am - Lacombe

Posted by Editoress on 01/28/07

Lacombe - Hegyvary Win in Berlin!
Courtesy Major League Cycling

On Saturday, January 27, Berlin, Germany, the Major League Cycling Team Canada-USA of Keven Lacombe (Amos, Quebec) and Adrian Hegyvary (Bellevue, Washington) scored a brilliant victory in the UIV Talents Cup at the 96 Berliner Sechstagerennen by gaining the only lap on the field in this evenings Madison race.

David Butterworth, team manager ( reports the race went very well from beginning to end. The pair initially took a flyer before the first sprint of the 45 minute Madison race opening a gap the others could not close and Lacombe won the first 5 points of the evening. Lacombe and Hegyvary then sat-in the peloton until after the second sprint when Hegyvary launched a perfectly-timed attack, immediately gaining a quarter lap. The here-to-fore leaders just looked at each other with know one willing to take-up the chase. Halfway through gaining the lap the pair scored another 5 points for the third sprint. By this time the crowd was behind Lacombe and Hegyvary, applauding and blowing whistles loudly as they passed by on each lap. The pair was inspired and soon closed the remaining quarter-lap to put them well ahead in the race before the halfway point. Attack after attack followed, but each time the attackers were brought back by the other strong teams that missed the move; this scenario repeated itself until the final gun was fired ending the race.

Next came the winners' jerseys and flowers as Lacombe and Hegyvary lined up with the second placed Swiss team on the finish line for photographs and congratulations from their sponsor RUWE and other Six-Days dignitaries.

Later-on in the locker room Lacombe boldly predicted the pair would take another lap tomorrow in the final race of the Six-Days. Good luck to them! Now as the race leaders on Saturday everyone will be watching them more closely, so who knows? Lacombe and Hegyvary will certainly remember this terrific night in Berlin regardless of how things go tomorrow.


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