Canadian Cyclist


February 12/07 9:34 am - 2007 Team Intros: Jet Fuel & Dolphin International

Posted by Editor on 02/12/07

2007 Jet Fuel Team Announced

Now in its 4th season The Jet Fuel Coffee Masters Cycling Team is proud to announce its team for 2007, divided between the M1 and M2 categories.

Returning from last year are:

Bert Candela M1
Jim Davis M1
Robert Brehn M1
Geoff Banner M1
Dave Britnell M2
Rob Szasz M2

Joining the team this year are:

Garth Logan M1
Craig Doucet M1
Dave Viney M1
David Pierce M1
Ed Smolinski M1

We thank our major equipment sponsors Louis Garneau Clothing, KHS
Bicycles, and Hammer Nutrition.

2007 Dolphin Bike Team

The line ups for the 2007 Dolphin Bike Teams were presented to press and public at the Carlton De Burg hotel in Mierlo (Holland). The presentation and activities were held during the "Passion for Bikes" festival at Mierlo. This proved to be a golden move; at the presentation on Friday 750 spectators attended the show for the presentation of the Dolphin Bike Teams. On Saturday the team organized a cycling clinic for youth in which over 120 (!) youngsters joined the training ride. At Sunday's touring circuit over 1300 starters rode 30, 45 or 70 kilometers. In total, approximately 4000 visitors attended the festival.

The Dolphin Bike Team will consist of 3 different sections in 2007: Dolphin cross country, Dolphin team X-treme with extreme sports and a satellite team called BEJAN-Dolphin.

Dolphin cross-country

Bart Brentjens (elite cross country), Schaijk, Netherlands.
Sid Taberlay (elite cross country), Blackman's Bay, Tasmanie, Australia.
Rudi van Houts (elite cross country), Luyksgestel, Netherlands.
Bjorn Brems (U23/beloften, cross country), Begijnendijk, Belgium.
Frank Beemer (U23/beloften, cross country), Garderen, Netherlands.
Tim Wijnants (U23/beloften, cross country), Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium.

Dolphin Team X-Treme

The extreme sports section of the Dolphin team with 2 international top riders in downhill, four-cross and bmx.

Jurg Meijer (fourcross, bmx, downhill), Boekel, Netherlands
Nico Vink (downhill, dirt, Freestyle bmx), Sint Niklaas, Belgium.

BEJAN-Dolphin team (Dutch national team)

Tijmen Eising (cadets), Emmen
Atze Dijkhuis (elite), Eelde.
Onno Reijnhout (elite), Groningen.
Maarten Krommendijk (U23), Peize.

Dolphin Team Intro

Dolphin Team Intro


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