Canadian Cyclist


February 12/07 1:18 am - Cycling BC Welcomes New Coaching Development Coordinator & Regional Coach

Posted by Editoress on 02/12/07

Cycling BC Welcomes New Coaching Development Coordinator & Regional Coach

Cycling BC is pleased to announce the appointment of Bjoern Ossenbrink as Coaching Development Coordinator and Regional Development Coach for the Fraser Valley.

As a regional coach, Bjoern will be focusing on developing the sport of Cycling in the Fraser Valley, working with coaches and clubs in the area and providing youth riders with the means to developing into successful cyclists. As the Coaching Development Coordinator for Cycling BC, he will lead the implementation of the new coach NCCP certification program, create a new coaching development program for clubs, and develop learn to race' clinics for all disciplines.

Bjoern originates from Germany, where he earned a degree is Sport Science, with an emphasis in Cycling, he then attended Midwestern State University in Texas and received his Masters in Sport Kinesiology. Possibly more impressive than Bjoern's educational background is his Cycling career both as a Pro Elite rider competing in over 700 International Races in Road, Cyclo-cross and Mountain biking, as well as his extensive career in sport as a professional and amateur cycling coach, including Continental Team Lamonta in Germany.

Cycling BC Chief Executive Officer, Keith Ryan "Bjoern's mix of education and technical experience made him the ideal candidate for this position." stated Cycling BC Chief Executive Officer, Keith Ryan "Bjoern will play a lead role in the development of coaches in all disciplines and work under the supervision of our Provincial Coach (Richard Wooles) to help with the development of athletes in Fraser Valley region".

For more information about Cycling BC Regional Coaches, or Sport Development within cycling, contact the Cycling BC office.

Cycling BC
332-1367 W Broadway
Vancouver, BC


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