Canadian Cyclist


March 9/07 7:38 am - 'Flying Scotsman' Screening in Toronto, Calyon/Litespeed Team website, NSMBA Vancouver Bike Swap Successful

Posted by Editoress on 03/9/07

The Flying Scotsman Screening in Toronto

On April 11th at the Varsity Theatre there will be a one time screening of the The Flying Scotsman, the true story based on the inspirational and remarkable Scottish cyclist, Graeme Obree. In 1993, this unemployed amateur broke the world one-hour record on a bike of his own revolutionary design, which he constructed out of scrap metal and parts of a washing machine. Shortly after Graeme broke the record, he lost his title when another cyclist beat his time. This only served to motivate Graeme to break the record again, while also battling mental illness.

Calyon/Litespeed Pro Cycling Team website

For news, team schedule, riders and more click on the link to the link to the 2007 Calyon/Litespeed Pro Cycling Team website.

NSMBA Vancouver Bike Swap and NSMBA Show booth a huge success!
Courtesy NSMBA

For the first time, the Vancouver Bike Swap featured at the Vancouver Outdoor Show in February, was an enormous success for the North Shore Mountain Bike Association. The NSMBA tripled the dollar value of product sold in the swap, doubling the revenue generated over previous years. Over 1800 items were registered into the swap; meaning a donation for each item entered with additional donations created with every visitor to the swap area. The NSMBA also earned revenue from a percentage of the sale of each item.

The NSMBA booth included at this year's Bike Expo was a hit with the crowd, providing interactive displays with images and trail maps of the north shore all under NSMBA's bright red tent. Chris Barker created incredible ladder bridge tables for display and we stocked the booth with some great prizes including a Rocky Mountain Flow DJ frame autographed by Wade Simmons, a re-donated BMX prize by Specialized and of course our grand prize of a custom make hard-tail bike donated by Cove Bikes. A few photos of the booth, the swap and our prizewinners is included.

"Overall, our numbers doubled over previous Gear Swaps. Moreover, we just received word that the NSMBA Vancouver Bike Swap is now 'the biggest bike swap' in Canada," stated Richard Juryn, representing the North Shore Mountain Bike Association and director of the swap.

Our volunteer booth attendants encouraged over 300 new members, a 13% increase from current members, to join our association with over $900 from prize entries, donations and NSMBA jersey sales. We want to welcome our new members and thank them for visiting us at the Vancouver Bike Expo. Come out to a trail day, join us on a Ripper or participate in a Toonie race, to get involved with the NSMBA.

Of course, we could not have done this without the almost 100 NSMBA volunteers helping over the weekend and the significant support from sponsors, supporters and businesses listed below:

Mountain Equipment Co-op, Georgia Straight, Lynn Valley Centre,, Contact Printing, Cove Bikes

Rocky Mountain Bicycles, Adidas Eyewear, Dave Watson and Sombrio, Endless Biking, Wade Simmons, Cory Leclerc, Taylor's Crossing, Andrew Shandro and Helly Hansen, Darren Butler Kelli Sherbinin and Endless Biking, Frank Lucarelli and PowerBar and the guys at RIP TV.


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