Canadian Cyclist


March 14/07 3:36 am - Cycling Symposium at McMaster University

Posted by Editor on 03/14/07

Cycling Symposium - Hosted by McMaster Varsity Cycling Club

The McMaster Varsity Cycling Club (MVCC) is hosting their first Cycling Symposium on Sunday March 25, 2007 at 7:00-9:00PM in the new Athletic Complex (David Braley Athletic Complex room WB 113) at McMaster University and YOU'RE INVITED! All ages, all abilities! Only $2.00 admission!

This night has promised to be filled with great educational as well as entertaining speakers to get everyone ready for the upcoming racing season. We encourage all cycling enthusiasts to attend. Three guest speakers will be giving 30 minute presentations (with a question/answer period) on the following cycling related topics:

"Cycling Nutrition: Do's and Donuts"
What to eat, when to eat and how to make your diet work to your advantage on race day.
Dr. Paul LeBlanc; PhD (McMaster University)
Assistant Professor at Brock University
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
10 yr Triathlon Veteran
2002 Qualified for Age Group World Triathlon Championships

"From University Cups to World Cups"
How to use your cycling club as a stepping stone to the Professional Cycling Circuit.

Tara Ross
Advil-Chapstick Cycling Team (2007)
National Cyclocross Team Member
29th 2007 Cyclocross World Championships
Victory Brewing Cycling Team (2006)
Former McMaster Club rider.

"Get Your Head in the Game: The Mental Art of Time-Trialing"
How to mentally gain an advantage during time-trialing - what to think about and how to focus for those grueling solo kilometers.

Sean Scott
NCCH Coach/McMaster Varsity Cycling Club Head Coach
2002 and 2003 National Master "A" Time-trial Champion
2004 7th Place Elite Men National Time-trial

The MVCC is a non-profit team at McMaster University composed of current students and alumni that either race competitively or just ride recreationally as a way to promote healthy living.

The MVCC encourages everyone to attend their first Cycling Symposium and will be asking for a $2.00 admission. The MVCC hopes to initiate a Cycling Symposium series that will run from October-March with various guest speakers and 50% of all proceeds will be donated to the Hamilton Conservation Foundation which works to protect wetlands and other natural areas through land acquisition initiatives and to increase trail development in the Hamilton area.

For directions to McMaster University:

To find the "New" Athletic Complex (David Braley Athletic Complex): (number 24 on map)

To find room WB 113, walk into the main entrance of the David Braley Athletic Complex - through the turnstiles and directly straight down the hallway. There will be signs posted directing you to the Cycling Symposium.

Any inquires can be directed to:

Kevin Hazzard - President
Naomi Cermak - Public Relations
Brooke Boocock - Treasurer


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