Canadian Cyclist


March 21/07 10:18 am - Burnaby Velodrome Midweek Workouts

Posted by Editor on 03/21/07

Burnaby Velodrome Midweek Workouts
Courtesy Glenn Barr

Now that Wednesday night track racing is over, are you looking for something else to test your fitness and help take you to the next level? Well, the Burnaby Velodrome has something new for you!

Beginning next week (March 28th), two instructor - led workout sessions are being added to the calendar, beginning at 7pm on either Wednesday or Friday night.

Have you completed the LTR series, and are now looking for something to give you your track riding fix for the week? Are you a C group rider, looking to increase your fitness and put the hurt on your friends at the next BVC event? Then come on out on Wednesday nights and join the Novice Group workout! The instructor will take you through a 1.5 hour structured session, involving warm up, workout, and cool down. Field testing will also be included, to track your improvement over the course of this program. You'll get more riding experience and fitness under your belt, and be introduced to track training techniques as a bonus!

Or, on Friday nights, really challenge yourself and join our Advanced Group workout. Riders will be put through a 1.5 hr wringer by our demanding instructor and the progressive program! Field testing will also be included, to track your improvement over the course of this program and show you what all your hard work is resulting in! Guaranteed to get you prepared mentally and physically for a summer of track and road racing!

Cost for 6 sessions is only $25 for members, $35 for non-members. Bike rental and drop-in fee extra. Sign up on the first night.


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