Canadian Cyclist


April 12/07 12:59 pm - IMBA Canada News

Posted by Editoress on 04/12/07

IMBA Canada News

IMBA Grants Available to Canadian Clubs

As the ground begins to thaw in many parts of the country, it's time to plan the summer's trail projects. IMBA Canada can help. Check out the following grant programs to see if your club is eligible for funding:

Kona/IMBA Freeriding Grants - Available to help develop freeriding opportunities on public land. 13 $1,000 USD grants will be awarded. Application deadline is May 15, 2007.

Ontario Trail Improvement Grants - Available to clubs that are affiliates of both IMBA and the Ontario Cycling Association. 3 $500 CAD grants will be awarded. Application deadline is June 1, 2007.

IMBA Canada Goes to Reno

IMBA Canada Director and Trail Specialist, Mark Schmidt, represented IMBA Canada and Capilano College at the Professional Trailbuilders Association's Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada March 6-8. In addition to speaking on both risk management through trail design, and trail education at the college level, Schmidt helped design and build a pump track to demonstrate the effectiveness of mechanized trailbuilding equipment. IMBA Canada's Trail Solutions Program is a member of the Professional Trailbuilders Association and is available to consult on trail design and construction projects.

Hope for Mountain Biking in Victoria

IMBA Canada visited BC's capital March 13-14 to present on trail and mountain bike management for a newly proposed park. The Harbourview Park has the potential to create many more trail opportunities for Victoria area mountain bikers. While there, IMBA Canada's Mark Schmidt and local IMBA Rep, James Brown, also met with Ministry of Tourism, Sports, and the Arts to discuss the new Crown Land mountain bike policy and the implementation process. For more information on the policy, visit IMBA Canada's Resource Section.

IMBA Canada to Give Keynote at Ontario Trails Summit

This Saturday April 14th, Huronia Trails and Greenways will be hosting a summit on Best Practices for Simcoe County Active Trails. IMBA Canada will be giving the keynote address, as well as leadi


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