Canadian Cyclist


April 24/07 7:47 am - Ottawa Bicycle Club Racing Program Awarded GM/CAC Grant

Posted by Editor on 04/24/07

Ottawa Bicycle Club Racing Program Awarded GM/CAC Grant
Courtesy Michael DeKelver, Racing Director, Ottawa Bicycle Club

We are pleased to announce that the racing program has received a grant on behalf of General Motors and the Coaching Association of Canada for their Making Dreams Possible program.

This provides us with the opportunity to further develop coaching capacity within the club and community. If any member has any inquiries for coaching development and how you can help out racing and youth development, please inquire to the Racing Director.

"To enhance the experience of Canadian athletes through quality coaching by offering grants to local sport clubs for coach training and development.

Coaches play a critical role in the experience of young athletes and this national funding initiative will strengthen their impact and contribute to the success of sport clubs throughout the country."

The program will also extend GM Olympic sponsorship into communities throughout the country in order to solidify the link between General Motors' dealers with every day Canadians. Up to 100 grants of $2,000 will be awarded to allow sport clubs/leagues to host coach training and education activities in support of developing community sport programs. The training must be linked to National Coaching Certification Program workshops and professional development initiatives.

Clubs are expected to develop and implement a season plan for the training of their coaches. This plan may include:

NCCP workshops (priority contexts in the NCCP are Community Sport, Competition-Introduction, Instruction-Beginners)
Technical and tactical clinics
Leadership workshops

Courtesy Michael DeKelver, Racing Director, Ottawa Bicycle Club


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