Canadian Cyclist


April 27/07 9:29 am - CAC Board of Directors Seeks Nominees

Posted by Editor on 04/27/07

CAC Board of Directors Seeks Nominees
Courtesy SIRC

The Coaching Association of Canada is seeking to fill four positions on its Board of Directors.

For information on the Board of Directors Chair position, go to the following web page:

For information on the positions of National Sport Organization Member, Athlete Member, and Member at Large, go to the following web page:

Applications to be submitted by e-mail to:

CAC Nominating Committee

Nominees are encouraged to submit applications a soon as possible. The Nominating Committee will begin considering applications on May 18, 2007.

The Coaching Association of Canada is a not-for-profit amateur sport organization with the mandate to improve the effectiveness of coaching across all sports and at all levels of the sport system. Visit for more information.


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