Canadian Cyclist


May 3/07 7:52 am - CAN-BIKE Cycling Tips Series Launched

Posted by Editor on 05/3/07

Cycling For All ˆ CAN-BIKE Cycling Tips Series Launched
Courtesy CCA / Sportcom

The Canadian Cycling Association (CCA) is pleased to launch a series of ten cycling tips aiming at promoting the CAN-BIKE program across Canada at the beginning the 2007 cycling season.

CAN-BIKE TIP #1 - Lane position on any urban street. Practically speaking...

Highway Traffic Acts across Canada tell cyclists to ride as far to the right as is practical. Those words are hard to interpret by the road-using public. Some motorists feel cyclists should not be in the line of traffic and some cyclists interpret the law as meaning to ride on the sidewalk ˆ but sidewalk cycling is illegal in most parts of Canada.

What it should mean is to ride far enough out from the curb that you can maintain a straight line and avoid debris, potholes and service covers. Drivers must leave a safety cushion space between their car and the cyclist so there is no chance of collision. This safety cushion is for the cyclist to manoeuvre in while cycling through traffic.

Cyclists are part of traffic and have all the rights and responsibilities that motorists have. Cyclists need room to manoeuvre in traffic and motorists need to provide that room by not crowding cyclists and compromising their safety. When motorists and cyclists are considerate of the space each type of user requires on the roadway, conflict is reduced and everyone is much safer.

The CAN-BIKE safe cycling skills program is the standard for bicycle education across Canada. CAN-BIKE Courses teach riding skills, traffic analysis skills, and collision avoidance techniques. They also provide the basics on safe equipment, and a basic bike inspection. Regardless of your experience, CAN-BIKE will make your cycling more effective, and give you a greater sense of confidence and control in traffic. Visit

Made possible with generous support of Transport Canada's Moving on Sustainable Transportation program.


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