Canadian Cyclist


May 15/07 9:59 am - Three Canadian Riders in Top-10 in Qash Qai Points Series

Posted by Editor on 05/15/07

Three Canadian Riders in Top-10 in Qash Qai Points Series
Courtesy Race Face

After two events, the top three points leaders in the Qash Qai Urban Challenge are Race Face riders Paul Basagoitia, Darren Berrecloth and Andreu Lacondeguy.

Round 1:

Race Face's Darren Berrecloth and Paul Basagoitia took first and second respectively in front of 10,000 spectators at the inaugural Qash Qai event in Newcastle, UK on May 5th. The Newcastle event focused on North Shore style riding. The Claw and Paul Bas showed, once again, that the Race Face boys know how to throw it down North Shore style.

Round 2:

Andreu Lacondeguy landed a 1st place finish and Paul B took a convincing 3rd in the dirt jump event. The crowd went wild in Milan as the boys absolutely hung it all out for this 2nd instalment in the Qash Qai series. Lacondeguy thrilled onlookers as he pulled out a tuck no-hander flip on the first jump, a 360 on the second jump and a superman-flip on the last jump to totally nail his second run of the day and secure his number 1 spot on the podium. Basagoitia got the crowd pumped after killing it in the second round with a perfect run. He flipped the first jump, three-tabled the second jump and then somehow found the speed to launch a perfect 720 on the last jump!

You can watch the videos on the new Race Face videos page:

Watch for more action from these guys as they head to Madrid where the style will turn to street. Pro street rider Jeff Lenosky has put together a course to truly test the best. The Nissan Qash Qai contest is a series of 5 urban free-ride events held in 5 different European cities with the overall winner pocketing a cool 100,000 Euros. For more updates and event info visit the Qashqai Urban Challenge website:

Qashqai Urban Challenge Overall Standings:

1. Paul Basagoitia (USA) 35 points
2. Darren Berrecloth (CAN) 32
3. Andreu Lacondeguy (ESP) 29
4. Lance McDermott (UK) 25
5. Greg Watts (USA) 24
6. Ben Boyko (CAN) 23
7. Brandon Semenuk (CAN) 19

8. Kyle Strait (USA) 17
9. Cameron McCaul (USA) 15
10. Christopher Hatton (FRA) 14


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