Canadian Cyclist


May 15/07 10:02 am - Life$tyle$ of the Rich & Famou$ 24 Hour Race: Riders Wanted

Posted by Editor on 05/15/07

Life$tyle$ of the Rich & Famou$ 24 Hour Race - Riders Wanted

This Saturday and Sunday (May 19-20) the 8th Annual Life$tyle$ of the Rich & Famou$ 24 Hour Race will be running at the Mansfield Outdoor Centre, northwest of Alliston, Ontario. We're proud to present Ontario's smallest 24 hour race, with just 24 teams of 5 competitors and 15 solos.

The problem is that a couple of our teams are short riders due to last minute lame excuses, disease, injuries, etc. If you'd like to join one of these teams please email asap and we'll set you up. One team consists of good women racers and the other is a not very serious mixed team (they'll take any warm body they can get). If you can help them out you'll get a spectacular race course, 4 gourmet meals and superior swag. Whatever can be done to fill these teams would be most appreciated.


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