Canadian Cyclist


May 15/07 1:05 am - Landis Team Unveils Opening Arguments (Download Full Document)

Posted by Editor on 05/15/07

Landis Team Unveils Opening Arguments

Michael E. Henson, Executive Director of the Floyd Fairness Fund, has provided us with a copy of the Powerpoint slide presentation used by Landis' attorney Maurice Suh in his opening address to the arbitration panel that is hearing the Tour winner's appeal of USADA and WADA findings that he used synethetic testosterone during the 2006 Tour.

Landis' appeal centers on showing that the USADA has not met the burden of proof that an anti-doping violation occurred, and that the French lab that did the testing made many procedural and scientific mistakes.

Download the presentation Here. You will need Microsoft Powerpoint to view it.


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