Canadian Cyclist


May 23/07 10:36 am - Race Face Announces 2007 UXC Trans Germany Contest Winners & Next Competition

Posted by Editor on 05/23/07

Race Face Announces 2007 UXC Trans Germany Contest Winners

The people have spoken! Team 283 are the official team to represent Race Face at the 2007 UXC Trans Germany. Bill Fehr and Rebecca Tomaszewski from North Carolina will be heading to Germany to compete for XC glory. Team 283 will be flown to the races with all entry fees paid by Race Face. They will be outfitted in Race Face components and clothing and be given RaceFace team tech support throughout the multi day epic race.

Submissions for the Trans Alp portion of the UXC are officially in and are now online. You can watch the videos, read team profiles and vote for your favourite all at For the next two weeks voting will be open for the Trans Alp with the winning team being announced on Friday, June 1st.

In the weeks leading up to the Trans Germany and Trans Alp and each day throughout the races, visitors to the Race Face web site will be able to learn more about our teams and follow their progress through daily updates by our support crew.

Between flights, accommodations, and entry fees to the contest, the value of the UXC to the winners could exceed over $20,000 USD per team. Additionally, Race Face, through it's partnerships with Trans Germany, Trans Alp, and Bike Magazin Germany will document the UXC teams' story to the masses with extensive media coverage.


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