Canadian Cyclist


May 24/07 8:56 am - IMBA Canada News

Posted by Editor on 05/24/07

IMBA Canada News

Apply Now! Money Available for Ontario Trails

Ontario Clubs, don't forget to apply for the Ontario Trail Improvement Grants, available to clubs that are affiliates of both IMBA and the Ontario Cycling Association. Three $500 grants will be awarded. Application deadline is June 1, 2007.

IMBA Canada Welcomes New Corporate Support

IMBA Canada is pleased to welcome three new corporate members this month: Loeka Clothing, Valhalla Contracting, and Sustainable Trails.

Born out of frustration in the lack of stylish, fitted, comfortable, and sexy clothes for women, Loeka began in the spring of 2005. In addition to creating great clothing, Loeka strives to help build a strong community of female riders by encouraging more women to take up cycling. Want to look sexy on the trail? Check out Loeka's clothing line before your next ride!

Primarily trail specialists, Valhalla Contracting offers a variety of related services including construction, recreation planning and design, GIS and GPS data collection, management and analysis, as well as remote sensing.

Valhalla Contracting has two offices: one in the Cowichan Valley, BC and one in Breckenridge, CO. Their goal is to provide a comprehensive and sustainable approach to environmental and outdoor recreation projects. Find out more at:

Located in Port Perry, Ontario, Sustainable Trails is a professional trailbuilding company that provides turnkey contracting and hybrid construction services. Sustainable Trails also offers a selection of trailbuilding handtools, including Pulaskis and Macleods. IMBA Canada members get a discount. Please email or call 1-866-348-7366 for more information.

Both trailbuilding companies are members of the Professional Trailbuilders Association.

Skoolz Out - Who says college can't be fun?

At the end of April, when most college students were cramming for exams, the students at Capilano College's Mountain Bike Operations Certificate Program were busy finishing their new trail. Appropriately named "Skoolz Out", the trail was the final project required to graduate from the program's Trail and Park Design courses, taught by IMBA Canada's Mark Schmidt and Lora Woolner. Check out the trail from top to bottom in this video created by IMBA Canada. Recent graduates of the program are now building trail in various locations across the country - just one more way that IMBA Canada is helping build trails in your backyard.

IMBA Canada at Ontario Provincial Trails Summit

Trail enthusiasts from all over Ontario gathered for 2 days of professional trail workshops in Niagara Falls, Ontario May 15-17. The Ontario Trails Summit, organized by the Ontario Trails Council, covered the topics of land use management, risk management, and provincial programs for trails. IMBA Canada's Mark Schmidt presented on Best Practices for Mountain Biking and Trails to over 50 trail enthusiasts and professionals, with support from Ontario's Ministry of Health Promotion.

Ryeka Sport Offers DeFeet Sock Deal to IMBA Canada Clubs

As a new benefit to IMBA Canada club members, Ryeka Sport (distributer of DeFeet socks in Canada) is offering an incredible deal on DeFeet custom sock orders. Create a custom sock for your club or team, and Ryeka Sport will give $1.00 from every sock purchased back to IMBA Canada! Minimum order is 144, at a price of $6.25 each. Get cool custom socks and support Canadian mountain biking. Contact Sarah at Ryeka Sport to place your order: Toll Free: 1-866-602-9988, ext. 225 or

As an added bonus, if you sign up before June 11, 2007, Ryeka Sport will waive the $30 set-up fee!

*For retailers looking for custom socks, please contact Erik Davis at 1-866-602-9988, ext. 226.


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