Canadian Cyclist


May 28/07 7:00 am - Nova Scotia Provincial ITT Championships

Posted by Editoress on 05/28/07

Nova Scotia Provincial Individual Time Trial Championships
Courtesy Terry Tomlin, VP Road/Track- BNS

Event #3 in the Bicycle Nova Scotia Road Series
Organizer: Annapolis Valley Cycling Club
Location: Centerville, NS
Course: 40 km, rolling terrain, 20 deg C with variable wind

Under 13 Male
1. Pierce Atwood (Sea Level Racing)0:04:06
2. Zach Beazley (Bicycles Plus)0:04:40
3. Ian Myatt (Cyclesmith)0:06:08
Under 13 Female
1. Mackenzie Myatt (Cyclesmith)0:05:26
Under 15
1. Josh Larkin (Sea Level/Mansours)0:08:27
Junior Men
1. Kyle Gallant (Independent)0:40:03
2. Paul Slaunwhite (Pc Racing)0:44:10
3. Jeremy Gass (Mcc Sportwheels)0:45:05
Senior 4
1. William Morrison (Valley Stove & Cycle)1:05:11
2. Paul Gibbons (Bicycles Plus)1:09:01
Master C
1. Barry Misener (Bicycles Plus)1:04:30
2. Peter Dwyer (Bicycles Plus)1:04:49
3. Graham Starratt (Bicycles Plus)1:06:23
4. Wayne Titus (Valley Stove & Cycle)1:07:26
5. Colin Mcleod (Cyclesmith)1:10:27
6. Friedemann Brauer (Cyclesmith)1:11:19
7. Stephen Moroney (Independent)1:11:21
8. Jon Macdonald (Independent)1:17:24
Master B
1. Lorenzo Caterini (Hub Racing)0:58:23
2. Peter Hamilton (Independent)1:00:12
3. Tom Beazley (Bicycles Plus)1:00:22
4. Jose Martins (Bicycles Plus)1:01:58
5. Alan Mumford (Valley Stove & Cycle)1:02:03
6. Scott Clark (Hub Racing)1:02:14
7. Donald Macintosh (Bicycles Plus)1:03:52
8. Alan Jollimore (Cyclesmith)1:04:03
9. Patrick Small Legs-Nagge (Metro Cycling)1:04:27
10. Derrick Muise (Sea Level)1:05:43
11. Jim Dikaios (Cyclesmith)1:05:48
12. George Henley (Bicycles Plus)1:06:27
13. Eric Weaver (Mcc Sportwheels)1:09:00
14. Simon Myatt (Cyclesmith)1:11:24
15. Timothy Stiner (Independent)1:11:58
16. Stuart Inglis (Sportwheels)1:14:16
17. Terry More (Independent)1:16:58
Master A
1. Andrew Feenstra (Cyclesmith)1:00:47
2. Rob Klue (Cyclesmith)1:01:02
3. Andrew Macdonald (Cyclesmith)1:01:44
4. James Atwood (Sea Level)1:01:45
5. Shawn Amirault (Hub Racing)1:01:55
6. Rob Stel (Bicycles Plus)1:03:36
7. Chad Robertson (Independent)1:04:22
8. Filip Bohac (Independent)1:05:42
9. Gabriel Leblanc (Sea Level )1:06:03
10. Geoff Bonner (Independent)1:06:50
11. Ian Loughead (Mcc Sportwheels)1:07:53
12. Kevin Besner (Mcc Sportwheels)1:09:15
13. Randy Gray (Cyclesmith)1:13:00
Open Women
1. Jeanne Ju (Bicycles Plus)1:05:10
2. Alison James (Independent)1:08:01
3. Kaarin Tae (Bicycles Plus)1:09:43
4. Erin Gillis (Independent)1:10:13
5. Jen Adams (Avcc)1:10:31
6. Enid Schaller (Cyclesmith)1:12:51
7. Stacy Chesnutt (Independent)1:13:26
8. Meghan Read (Valley Stove & Cycle)1:16:21
9. Cynthia Fry (Bicycles Plus)1:16:38
10. Caryn Small Legs-Nagge (Metro)1:17:22
11. Shawna Murdock Moore (Independent)1:18:01
Open Men
1. Dustin McBurnie (Team Race)0:55:27
2. Garrett Mcleod (Avcc)0:55:53
3. Chad Lennon (Hub Racing)0:56:22
4. Andrew Peacock (Cyclesmith)0:59:27
5. Kristopher Barr (Bicycles Plus)1:00:56
6. Eli Chiasson (Cyclesmith)1:03:43
7. Darroch Whittaker (Avcc)1:05:15
8. Ian Whitehead (Cyclesmith)1:05:18
9. Ryan Macdonald (Hub Racing/Sugoi)1:06:11


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