Canadian Cyclist


June 26/07 10:36 am - Saskatchewan MTB Cup #4

Posted by Editoress on 06/26/07

Saskatchewan MTB Cup #4
Courtesy Denise Eberle, Executive Director, Sask Cycling Association

Rasta Rumble
June 24th
Brought to you by the Northern Bush Rastas

This is the 4th race in a 6 race series held in Saskatchewan. Sask Cup #4 was held at Blackstrap Provincial Park, only 40 minutes south of Saskatoon. Blackstrap Provincial Park is named after the mountain that rises 45 metres above the surrounding prairies. Before 1970, Mount Blackstrap did not exist. Mount Blackstrap is a man made mountain created in 1970 in preparation for downhill skiing at the 1971 Canada Winter Games.

It was a perfect day of racing with 22 degrees and no wind. Thank you to
the Northern Bush Rastas for putting on a great race.

Senior Elite Men (5 laps)
1. Cory Zetterstrom (NBR)2:09:57
2. Jeremy Erdmann (ORS)2:19:10
3. Neil Clarke (NBR)2:20:53
Senior Elite Women (4 laps)
1. Erica Musyj (NBR)2:05:38
2. Alyssa Weninger (BCW)2:10:31
3. Susan Clarke (BCW)2:16:57
Senior Expert Men (4 laps)
1. Dave Bitschy (ORS)1:57:04
2. Shane McNaughton (RCC)2:05:30
3. Brennon Martin (RNR)2:21:43
4. Eric Blair (RockPile)2:26:17
5. Nathan Bundschuh (RockPile)2:38:06
dnf. Jay Van Ginneken (ORS)
Junior Expert Men (4 laps)
1. Stephen Cooley (Cycled)1:46:30
2. James Winter (RCC)1:47:48
3. Jason Cherney (Lumsden)1:55:52
4. Morgan Jungwirth (NBR)1:57:45
5. Michael Wrubleski (ORS)2:02:35
Master Expert Men 30+ (4 laps)
1. Kris Abrahamson (ORS)1:49:02
2. Jeremy Trask (ORS)1:56:34
3. Mel Sysing (NBR)1:58:31
Master Exp Men 40+ (3 laps)
1. Terry Zack (ECQ)1:32:04
2. Rick Vircaus (RCC)1:36:14
3. Garth Paterson (CYC)1:39:12
4. Darren Dyck (MJP)1:43:40
5. Jim Reid (BCW)1:53:30
6. Wayne Jackson (ORS)2:16:06
dnf. Ron Cooley (Horizon)
Sr Expert Women (3 laps)
1. Julia Garnet (BCW)1:50:27
U17 Expert Male (3 laps)
1. Axel Morin (NBR)1:42:57
Junior Sport Male (3 laps)
1. Ben Gotts (NBR)2:04:50
Senior Sport Male (3 laps)
1. Jean-Marc Bennet (Tenacious D)1:35:52
2. Erkki Annala (Tenacious D)1:37:44
3. Daniel Fuller (NBR)1:59:57
dnf. Scott Ziegler (1 day)
Master Spt Men 30-39 (3 laps)
1. Chris Yeo (NBR)1:38:59
2. Albert Malan (NBR)1:39:09
3. Brian Gurney (NBR)1:40:34
4. George Kokonas (RCC)2:06:11
5. David Mehan 2:11:11
Men Master Sport 40-49 (2 laps)
1. Peter Burgess (NBR)1:08:35
2. Tom Schmidt (ORS)1:13:14
3. Mike Power (NBR)1:16:55
4. Dave Weninger (NBR)1:18:05
Men Master Sport 50+ (2 laps)
1. Cornelius Kluge (Cycledelia)1:03:50
2. Kim Wall (ORS)1:10:02
3. Michael McGarity (NBR)1:18:02
4. Stephen Bend 1:24:48
Mast Expert Wom (2 laps)
1. Kathryn Theede (NBR)1:31:43
Under 17 Expert Women (2 laps)
1. Kathleen McGarity (NBR )1:55:02
Under 15 Male (2 laps)
1. Matt McLeod (NBR)1:12:21
2. Kris Wall (ORS)1:27:41
Under 15 Women (1 lap)
1. Hannah Cooley (NBR)0:46:33
Sr Sport Women (2 laps)
1. Crystal Clarke (NBR)1:34:23
Master Spt Wom 30-39 (2 laps)
1. Carolyn Wensley (Rock Pile)1:18:55
Master Spt Women 40+ (1 lap)
1. Joanne Weninger (NBR)0:39:48
2. Julie Brandt (NBR)0:54:48
Under 17 Sport Male (1 lap)
1. Keith Milne (1day)0:39:17
2. Kelby Martin (R n Road)0:45:30
Under 13 Male (1 lap)
1. Braden Trapp (NBR)0:28:07
2. Evan Weninger (NBR)0:32:15
3. Caleb Morin (NBR)0:32:16
4. Cole Mcleod (NBR)0:36:33
5. Jeremy Wirges (Off)0:37:32
6. Christopher Jungwirth (NBR)0:48:58


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