Canadian Cyclist


March 29/99 10:20 am - Mens UCI Rankings, OLN Coverage, Shep's Report

Posted by Editor on 03/29/99

UCI World Rankings - Mens XC (after Napa)

1Martinez, MiguelFRA1129
2Pallhuber, HubertITADIAMBK1078
3Evans, Cadel *AUSVOL-CA1048
4Hoydahl, RuneNORGIANT936
5Meirhaeghe, FilipBELSPECZD891
6Van Dooren, BasNEDBE-ONE885
7Sauser, ChristopheSUIVOL-CA879
8Dupouey, ChristopheFRATMSUNN853
9Paulissen, RoelBELAM-EAG821
10Vollet, GregoryFRABIANCH789
11Frischknecht, ThomasSUIRITCHY756
12Chiotti, JeromeFRATEAMGT716
13Craig, NickGBR671
14Ostergaard, JanDENIKOCOR666
15Tcherkassov, PavelRUSDIAMBK658
15Sheppard, ChrisCAN658
17Juarez, TinkerUSAVOL-CA651
18Hochstrasser, ThomasSUISCOTT612
19Wabel, BeatSUI597
20Cioni, DarioITA577
21Agergaard, JesperDENBE-ONE561
22Larsen, SteveUSA559
23Djernis, HenrikDENAM-EAG556
24Arnould, DominiqueFRAGIANT554
25Fruet, Martino *ITA550
26Kristensen, LennieDENGIANT543
27Brenes, AndresCRCRITCHY529
28Tolhoek, PatrickNEDBE-ONE503
29Korinek, RadimCZECESKA487
30Brentjens, BartNEDSPECZD476
31Green, RolandCANTEAMGT473
32Austad, Hakon *NORDBSTEA449
33Rowney, PaulAUS440
33Acquaroli, DarioITABIANCH440
35Manin, ChristopheFRAAM-EAG438
35Bramati, LucaITASPECZD438
37Hermida, Jose Ramos *ESPSCOTT431
38Gould, TimGBR427
39Hestler, AndreasCAN424
40Kluge, MikeGER412
41Dubau, LudovicFRATMSUNN411
42Kurschat, WolframGER408
43Stockli, LukasSUIUNIVGA404
44McGrath, SeamusCAN397
45Leuchs, Kashi *NZL389
46Brown, TravisUSATREKVW387
47Clarke, BarrieGBRRALEIG364
48Martinez, RaphaelFRADIAMBK359
49Fontana, AlessandroITA357
50Fumic, LadoGER351
Other Canadians
62Grover, Neil *CANGM-ROCKY318
74Wedge, PeterCANMAPEI/KONA263
77Kabush, Geoff *CANKONA FACTORY255
84Toulouse, MathieuCANFORD/DEVINCI225
87Hurley, BillCANORYX217
93Tourville, EricCANORYX202
106Walker, AdamCANGM-ROCKY174
114Hall, JoshCAN149
116Visser, GeorgeCANXENACOM145
142Crookham, JasonCAN117
150Sonntag, Marc *CAN109
168Visser, GuidoCAN91
169Nuckle, Martin *CAN90
181Schnyder, RudiCAN83
199Spadaccini, PaulCAN70
202Hine, JulianCAN68
218Hesjedal, Ryder *CAN62
239Miles, ChadCAN54
252Paradis, SebastienCAN52
276Irving, DavidCAN46
281Blanchard, ChrisCAN44
289Cousineau, MarcCAN42
294Curran, LucasCAN41
314Anastasiadis, SeanCAN37
317Robert, Jean-FrancoisCAN36
342Cobham, PaulCAN31
348Pinfold, Andrew *CAN30
348Christoffersson, Nicolas *CAN30
362Decore, MatthewCAN29
372Large, GeoffCAN28
377Meunier, VincentCAN27
386Sternthal, ScottCAN25
402Blais, Jean-FrancoisCAN23
419Nadeau, Alexandre *CAN21
428Lega, Roddi *CAN20
428Kress, DwayneCAN20
439Lafontaine, BrunoCAN19
439Boudreault, YannickCAN19
445Faulkner, Nat *CAN18
473Larsson, AdamCAN16
481Hovey, CarterCAN15
515Weber, JeffCAN13
544Pruner, MichaelCAN11
574Marler, KennethCAN10
583Crouth, AndrewCAN9
611Pannell, RyanCAN8
626Reain, Greg *CAN7
658Jaakkola, JussiCAN6
678Bakker, OsmondCAN5
717Guimont, Louis-FrancoisCAN4
740Lech, ChrisCAN3
740McKeever, RobinCAN3
740Darveau, Mathieu *CAN3
740Laroche, Jean-Francois *CAN3
740Corbeil, GillesCAN3
740Scott, StewartCAN3
740Kelly, PatCAN3
779Teghtmeyer, John *CAN2
779Williams, KevinCAN2
799Bakogeorge, TroyCAN1
799Dey, Ryan *CAN1
799Jakomait, Jesse *CAN1

Note: The UCI has ranked Chrissy Redden 481st in the men (she's 6th in the women's rankings), and Trish Sinclair 626th...

Napa on Television

The Outdoor Life Network will be broadcasting the Napa World Cup on April 15th at 8:00 pm (Eastern).

Sheppard's Report from Napa

Clear skies with warm temperatures marked the second day of world cup competition. The course consisted of a twenty five minute loop that contained over a thousand feet of climbing and some serious descending.

From the gun, the hammer was dropped by the single digit number plate club. Counters and attacks were attempted by everyone, but coming to the forefront were Miguel Martinez and Cadel Evans. The closest North Americans were Tinker, White Rasta, and myself sitting in the late teens with Roland Green, Steve Larson, and Andreas Hestler trailing.

After some sick descending on lap three, White Rasta propelled himself into a group that consisted of Dupouey, Hermida, Saucer, and Nick Craig. Tinker meanwhile was yo-yoing between the front runners and the chase group while I faded to the late 20's with some bad intestinal problems. I'm not one to use excuses, so I won't! Here is a hint for all the up and coming boys and girls: if your eggs are undercooked at breakfast, don't eat them! My problem lasted two laps as a nasty bout of food poisoning set in, all that kept me in the race was the thought of visiting one of those lovely port-a-potties after the race (as I write this, I am currently in the fetal position)!

On the late laps Martinez slowly moved away, White Rasta climbed to fourteenth, Tinker faded back to twenty four, and I worked into twenty first by the end. Actually, I was involved in a sprint to the line with Matt Wallace, Bart Brentjens, and Tinker...I made my move with half a kilometer to go and held them off earning some good UCI points in the process.


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