Canadian Cyclist


August 3/07 9:14 am - Manitoba Provincial Road Race Championship

Posted by Editor on 08/3/07

Manitoba Provincial Road Race Championship - Holland, Manitoba
Courtesy Chris Sparling & MCA

July 29, 2007

Our thanks to everyone who helped with the race, it was a true team effort!

* Jon Benson for obtaining the permit and arranging for use of the site
* Rob Nagy and Mike & Jane Payment for course set up and tear down
* Mike & Jane Payment for the food
* Jeff Ayre and Anne-Marie Palfreeman for Marshaling
* Jeff Ayre for Medical
* Kylie Case for wheel support and follow vehicle
* Arlene Woodcock for Commissairing

Many thanks to our sponsors Giant Bicycle, Norco, KONA, Specialized, and KUOTA Bikes. Congratulations to all our 2007 Provincial Champions!

Team Woodcock, Race Organizer

Under 17 Men
1 Brenon Durston TTT 1:51.12

Under 17 Female
1 Karlee Gendron Ego 1:51.14
2 Anna Schappert B&B 1:54.52

Junior Men
1 Adrian Huemmer Oly 3:32.19
2 Jason Doverspike WCW 3:32.19
3 Marshall Verbrugge WCW 3:43.32
DNF Paul Benson Ego

Junior Female
1 Lindsay Argue Ego 1:54.52
2 Lindsay Cooke Ego 2:10.02
3 Leah Kirchmann Ego 2:10.12

Espoir Men
1 Jamie Sparling Lazy Boy, BC 3:17.52
2 James Larmer Sudbury CC 3:30.01
3 (Gold) Sebastian Jozwiakai Life Sport 3:46.19
DNF Jon Benson JNY
DNF Dylan Harris Oly

Senior Female
1 Andrea Richardson WCW 1:46.23
2 Susan Alexiuk WCW 2:17.02

Master A Men
1 DJ Hewitt WCW 2:34.22
2 Rory Wright WCW 2:34.28
3 Steve Johnston B&B 2:34.39
4 Mike Giesbrecht B&B 2:34.57
5 Brady Ryall Birch 2:35.01
6 Albert Chin IND 2:35.36

Master B Men
1 Tim Woodcock WCW 2:34.28
2 Tim Friesen WCW 2:34.31
3 Gary Sewell FOG 2:34.39
4 Rick Yaschyshyn Oly 2:35.15
5 Mike Payment WCW 2:35.55
6 Cris Labossiere WCW 2:35.55
7 Rod Verbrugge WCW 2:45.24
8 Joe Millar FOG 2:49.18
9 Rob Nagy WCW 2:50.43
10 Don McRae FOG 3:01.54
11 Kevin Newton A&L 3:16.45
DNF Jurgen Feldschmidt FOG

Master B Female
1 Jane Payment WCW 2:07.45

Master C Men
1 Tim Turenne WCW 1:38.56
2 Marian Psyzczek WCW 1:43.02
3 John Daniels FOG 1:48.044
4 Bill Gendron JNY 2:14.29
DNF Gary Edwards FOG

Master C Female
1 Lee Ann Benson Oly 2:22.16


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