Canadian Cyclist


August 8/07 11:02 am - Mississauga Criterium

Posted by Editoress on 08/8/07

Mississauga Criterium August 6th, Mississauga ON
Results courtesy Doug Pogue

Presented by Midweek Cycling Club

Under 17 Women (16.66 km)
1. Krista Ruby (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWU17)0:27:36
2. Alana Ziobroski (Midweek Club - RWU17)1:28
Master & Senior 3 Women (16.66 km)
1. Aimee Allen (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RWE.3)0:29:05
2. Celeste Merey (Team R.A.C.E - RWE.3)at s.t.
DNS. Liza Miranda (Midweek Cycling Club - RWMA)
Senior 4 Men (25.48 km)
1. John Mcinulty (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RME.4)0:38:17
2. Chad Mussen (Independent - RME.4)
3. Mirko Gojic (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
4. Brandon Tulloch (St Catharines Cc - RME.4)
5. Ian Gartley (Independent - RME.4)all at s.t.
6. Daniel Chavez (Independent - RME.4)1:13
PUL. Jason Grosse (Independent - RME.4)
PUL. Adam Rothschild (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
DNF. Mauro Rizzardo (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
DNF. Derek Hsiung (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
DNS. Erick Begin (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
DNS. Marc Mazer (Independent - RME.4)
DNS. Hein Wick (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Clu - RME.4)
Under 17 Men (25.48 km)
1. Andrew Lattimore (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMJ)0:37:28
2. Sam Loud (Black Sheep Cycling Club - RMU17)at 0:48
3. Brody Pasciullo (Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RMU17)
4. Matt Degiacomo (The Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RMU17)
5. Trevor Damen (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMU17)
6. David Hopton (Cycle Solutions - RMU17)
7. Matteo Dal-Cin (Euro-Sports.Ca / Foodery Cycli - RMU17)
8. Dawid Kurzawinski (Midweek Cycling Club - RMU17)
9. Justin Zottl (Arrow Racing - RMU15)
10. Brendan Ramrattan (Midweek - RMU17)all s.t.
11. Connor English (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMU17)3:34
12. Kyle Rupay (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMU15)s.t.
Master 3 Men (29.4 km)
1. Mark Sieradzan (Independent - RMM.3)0:43:37
2. Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Midweek Cycling Club - RMM.3)
3. Mark Antonio (Independent - RMM.3)
4. Derek Hsiung (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
5. Marc Mazer (Independent - RME.4)
6. Waldemar Rostikowski (Independent - RMM.3)
7. Paul Shoebridge (Independent - RMM.3)
8. Brian Kelly (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMM.3)
9. Jeffrey Poulsen (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMM.3)
10. Phil Harper (Newmarket Eagles - RMM.3)
11. Dan Robertson (Brampton Cycling Club - RMM.3)
12. CHESTER Kasprzak (Midweek Cycling Club - RMM.3)
13. Bryan Bowers (Aztech / Cyclepath - RMM.3)
14. Erick Begin (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
15. Brian Neilson (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RMM.3)
16. Joseph Comacchio (Neworld Cycle - RMM.3)
17. Mark Montgomery (Independent - RMM.3)
18. Jason May (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMM.3)
19. Jacen Faryna (Midweek Cycling Club - RMM.3)
20. Ken Deering (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RMM.3)all s.t.
21. Derrick Waldron (Independent - RMM.3)0:10
22. David Conroy (Team R.A.C.E - RMM.3)0:20
23. Joel Rose (The Hub Bicycle Club - RMM.3)s.t.
24. Nigel Gough (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)2:02
25. Alan Forde (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)3:23
26. Hein Wick (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Clu - RME.4)3:26
DNF. Ron Ferreira (Independent - RME.4)
DNS. Norman Young (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMM.3)
Senior 3 Men (39.6 km)
1. Michael Amaral (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RME.3)1:00:06
2. Matthew Campbell (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RME.3)at s.t.
3. Brian Eberdt (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.3)0:05
4. Matthew Knight (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.3)0:07
5. Vincent Francescutti (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.3)s.t.
6. Tovi Heilbronn (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.3)2:00
7. Peter Mcilquham (Sepp's Cycling Team - RME.3)
8. Rocky Hosein (Hummingbirds International Cc - RME.3)both s.t.
9. Enrico Traini (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.3)2:05
10. Stephane Marcotte (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.3)2:12
11. Greg Allen (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.3)2:18
12. Andrew Davy (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RME.3)2:29
13. William Fu (Pedal Performance - RME.3)2:59
DNS. Josh Gillingham (The Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RME.3)
Junior Men (39.6 km)
1. Fister Karlo (Rid - Rst - RMJ)1:00:03
2. Jamie Riggs (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMJ)at s.t.
3. Evan Mundy (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMJ)0:11
4. Andrew Dadds (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMJ)2:04
5. Ricardo Perea (Midweek Cycling Club - RMJ)s.t.
6. Logan Cornel (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMJ)2:07
7. Dawid Kurzawinski (Midweek Cycling Club - RMU17)2:12
8. Mitchell Woodman (Pcc - RMJ)2:26
DNF. Juan Maya (Midweek Cycling Club - RMJ)
Master 2 Men (35.2 km)
1. Phill Vermette (Caboto Velo/Cane Creek Cycling - RMM.2)0:54:38
2. Gavin Ezekowitz (Team R.A.C.E - RMM.2)at s.t.
3. Bruce Camacho (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RMM.2)0:46
4. Raymond Gubala (Bicycles Plus - RMM.2)s.t.
5. Jason May (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMM.3)0:48
6. Johnnie Edghill (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RMM.2)
7. Brian Kelly (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RMM.3)
8. Leo St. Germain (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Clu - RMM.2)
9. Ron Baines (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMM.2)
10. Bryan Bowers (Aztech / Cyclepath - RMM.3)
11. Jeffrey Poulsen (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMM.3)all s.t.
DNF. Chris Chambers (Team R.A.C.E - RMM.2)
DNF. Steve Hamilton (Madonna Wheelers Cycling Club - RMM.2)
DNF. Phil Harper (Newmarket Eagles - RMM.3)
Master A Women (35.2 km)
1. Liza Miranda (Midweek Cycling Club - RWMA)0:55:25
Elite 1 & 2 Women (35.2 km)
1. Terri Gregotski (Fly Gurlz - RWE.2)0:55:25
2. Allison Lampi (Euro-Sports.Ca / Foodery Cycli - RWE.2)0:02
3. Aimee Allen (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RWE.3)
4. Diana Joness (Team R.A.C.E - RWE.2)all s.t.
DNF. Celeste Jones-Baumgardt (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWE.2)
DNS. Heather Davidson-Meyn (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWE.1)
DNS. Lucinda Wallace (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Clu - RWE.2)
DNS. Ireen Wieditz (Terry Precision Cycling Team - RWE.2)
Master 1 Men (39.6 km)
1. Robert D`Amico (Invita Racing - RMM.1)0:59:09
2. Mark Polsinelli (Invita Racing - RMM.1)
3. Piers Davidge (Cycle 4 Ms - RMM.1)
4. Miguel (mike) Novo (Open Access/ Grg Road Racing - RMM.1)
5. Fred Perez (Open Access/ Grg Road Racing - RMM.1)
6. James Layfield (Team R.A.C.E - RMM.1)
7. Jean-paul Tesolin (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMM.1)
8. Brent Aquino (Invita - RMM.1)
9. Brian Lee (Team R.A.C.E - RMM.1)
10. James Mcewen (Midweek Cycling Club - RMM.1)
11. Michael Renneboog (Silver Spokes Cycling Club - RMM.1)
12. Bobby Mrvelj (Wheels Of Bloor Ct - RMM.1)
13. Ed Campbell (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RMM.1)
14. Terrence Martineau (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMM.1)
15. Carmine Caravaggio (Invita Racing - RMM.1)
16. Thomas Schmidt (ZM Cycling Club - RMM.1)
17. John Mccormick (The Hub Bicycle Club - RMM.1)
18. Chris Kiziak (Sound Solutions - RMM.1)
19. Bruno Grossi (Invita Racing - RMM.1)all at s.t.
20. Mike Viel (Invita Racing - RMM.1)0:08
21. Malcolm Eade (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RMM.1)
22. Graham Anderson (Midweek Cycling Club - RMM.2)
23. Ian Mackellar (Cycle 4 Ms - RMM.1)
24. Oscar Retamal (Midweek Club - RMM.2)
25. Paul Hornak (Cycle 4 Ms - RMM.1)all s.t.
26. Steven Smith (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMM.1)0:17
27. Phill Vermette (Caboto Velo/Cane Creek Cycling - RMM.2)
28. Peiro Zanetti (Invita Racing - RMM.1)both s.t.
29. Stuart Mckay (Cycle 4 Ms - RMM.1)0:31
30. Garnett Abbey (D'Ornellas / Delta Graphics Rt - RMM.1)1:13
DNF. Scott Dorfman (Qcc/Handlebars - RMM.1)
DNF. Christopher Paton (Cycle 4 Ms - RMM.1)
Elite 1 & 2 Men (52.8 km)
1. Darko Ficko (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)1:18:13
2. Heath Cockburn (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)at 0:10
3. Jeffery Schiller (Independent - RME.1)0:57
4. Nathan Chown (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RME.2)1:26
5. Mark Pozniak (Team Race.Com - RME.1)1:28
6. Zack Morris (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)1:32
7. Alex Bhogal (Mazurcoaching.Com - RME.2)s.t.
8. Bryson Bowers (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)1:46
9. Thorben Wieditz (Italpasta-Transport Belmire - RME.1)2:22
10. Rodney Mcewan (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.2)
11. Peter Morse (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)
12. Chris Atkins (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)
13. Samuel Bail (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.2)
14. Sebastian Porten (Aquila Racing / Racer Sportif - RME.2)
15. Michael Dekelver (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RME.2)
16. Josh Gillingham (The Cyclepath Thunder Bay - RME.3)
17. Keir Plaice (Emd Serono Cycle Logik Racing - RME.2)
18. Andrew Bradbury (Cyclissimo Cycling Club - RME.2)
19. Daniel Maggiacomo (Italpasta-Transport Belmire - RME.1)
20. Andrew Hunt (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.2)all s.t.
DNF. Thomas Schmidt (ZM Cycling Club - RMM.1)
DNF. Mark Batty (Team R.A.C.E - RME.2)
DNF. Brandon Throop (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RME.2)
DNF. Dave Byer (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.2)
DNF. Chris Freeland (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.2)
DNF. Isaac Smith (Aquila Racing / Racer Sportif - RME.1)
DNF. Blair Purvis (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RME.2)
DNF. Teron Singh (Independent - RME.2)
DNF. Tovi Heilbronn (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.3)
DNS. Andrew Nichol (Mazurcoaching.Com - RME.1)
DNS. Nick Zacchia (Independent - RME.1)
DNS. Robert D`Amico (Invita Racing - RMM.1)


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