Canadian Cyclist


August 13/07 2:09 am - Race Across Canada to Combat Juvenile Diabetes

Posted by Editor on 08/13/07

Race Across Canada to Combat Juvenile Diabetes
Courtesy Willie Cromack

The race across Canada is almost upon us. For those of you who haven't been following along, check out and see how 5 riders will attempt to cross Canada in just 9 Days all in aid of Juvenile Diabetes.

Team Halifax 2 Vancouver is only 31 days from lift off and so it is time to help us down the stretch. We need your voices. It is time to donate and motivate those that don't have a cause to do the same. Go to and we'll make sure your money finds its way to the hands of those that can make the research become a cure.

We are closing in on $700,000 but need to keep pushing. TSN has officially picked up the story and so we will be National with media attention. Also look for a story to appear in Time Magazine shortly and, hopefully, some of you have seen our videos, heard us on the radio and seen the team in action on the news and in the paper. We're working as hard as we can to do our part.


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