Canadian Cyclist


August 24/07 9:40 am - GM Coaching Grants Deadline Approaching

Posted by Editor on 08/24/07

GM Coaching Grants Deadline Approaching
Courtesy SIRC

Did you know that General Motors is offering grants to community sport organizations through its Making Dreams Possible initiative?

This past spring, GM, in partnership with the Coaching Association of Canada, made dreams possible for 55 community clubs through their Making Dreams Possible program, an initiative that enhances the experience of our youngest Canadian athletes by providing funding for coach training and development.

One hundred grants per year of $2,000 each will be awarded to support community sport organizations. The application deadline for the next wave of grants is September 21, 2007.

All athletes start by competing at the local level. That's why it's so important for them to receive the best possible coaching at the earliest stage of their sporting experience.

GM and the Coaching Association of Canada recognize gold medal performances require first-rate coaching, the goal of Making Dreams Possible is to support athletes at all levels through coaching excellence.

Apply Now and make your own dream possible ˆ visit or for more information and application forms.


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