Canadian Cyclist


September 11/07 5:56 am - IMBA News

Posted by Editor on 09/11/07


Do You Have the Right Stuff?
If you think that you might have the right stuff, the skills to be a Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew, here is your opportunity to join the ranks of IMBA's elite trailbuilders. IMBA is looking to hire a couple for a two-year commitment as a Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew. Please refer to the 2006 posting on the IMBA website for more information on the position. Applications are due by October 12th and can be sent to Spencer Powlison. Know someone who would be perfect for the job? Use the Tell-A-Friend button below to send word of IMBA's job opening.

Club Care Workshops Improve Volunteer Groups
New for 2007, the Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew has begun offering Club Care workshops to help IMBA clubs increase their capacity. Over the past decade, the Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crews have taught hundreds of grassroots volunteer groups to build better trails. Now, they are taking the next step: building better clubs. IMBA-affiliated clubs across the country have tallied innumerable successes, but many organizations are struggling to take their clubs to the next level -- increasing membership and volunteer assistance, building resources to take on larger projects, and developing new mountain bike leaders. The Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew shares techniques that advocacy organizations across the country have used to reach goals, overcome challenges and grow the mountain bike community. This fall, the Crews will be assisting IMBA California's development with club building seminars in the Bay Area, Santa Cruz and Sacramento.

Apply for 2008 Subaru/IMBA TCC Visit
If you'd like the opportunity to host the Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew in your town, now is the time to apply for a visit. Applications are due before November 2, 2007. Whether your club is just getting started or is well-established, a Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew visit is a great way to learn or relearn trailbuilding techniques, rally the trails community and overcome the hurdles preventing your club from achieving its wildest mountain biking dreams. For more information, please contact Spencer Powlison.


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