Canadian Cyclist


September 18/07 12:07 pm - BC Seniors Games

Posted by Editoress on 09/18/07

British Columbia Seniors Games September 14-15, Nanaimo BC
Courtesy Peter McCaffery


A 16 km time trial was held on a safe, sheltered undulating, out-and back course that climbed about 100 m to the turn. Some fine performances were produced by riders in all age groups. Total entry was: 56 men and 20 women. Thanks to all the marshalls and other volunteers who did a fantastic job, to Leigh Blaney for the medical service, Dave Kenny for all those signs, and to Corey Pikett who had his first taste of timekeeping.

No times or placings currently available

Road Race

This is on a hilly 20km circuit in Cedar, starting at 9.00am at Cedar Community Hall.

80+ (1Lap)
1. Olwyn Ringheim2:32:45
70-74 (2 laps)
1. Dora Ellis2:21:17
2. Jean Nelson
3. Mary Ellen Pakka
DNS. Helen Bourchier
DNS. Kay Ogilvie
65-69 (2 laps)
1. Sandra Olafson1:54:53
2. Donna Nicholas
3. Audrey Sellars
60-64 (2 laps)
1. Diana Rogers1:49:16
2. Jean MacDonald
3. Hana Garrick
4. Verena Balke
5. Terry Chalmers
6. Linda Scott
7. Ann Kantakis
8. Jan Schmidt
55-59 (2 laps)
1. Sandy Hartley1:49:16
2. Jannie Koomen
3. Barbara Davies
55-59 (3 laps)
1. Duane Martindale1:47:30
2. Chris Hahlen
3. Michael Faulkner
4. Jacob Koomen
5. George McLaughlin
6. Robert Hagar
DNS. Michael Grant
DNF. Douglas Morley
DNS. Raymond Morrison
DNS. Brooke Parker
60-64 (3 laps)
1. John Sullivan1:47:55
2. Des Snider
3. David Mercer
4. David Lloyd
5. Derek Steel
6. Bob MacLean
7. Bill Davis
8. Dick Allin
9. Douglas Richardson
10. Jim Henderson
DNF. Harry Balke
DNF. Roy Kregosky
DNS. Harry Balke
DNS. Malcolm Farrow
DNS. Michael Fibiger-Crossman
DNS. Bill Hutchinson
DNS. Brendan Kennelly
DNS. Bob Lindsay
65-69 (2 laps)
1. David Emery1:22:30
2. David Steen
3. Dave Ellis
4. Matt de Nys
5. Leo Le Couteur
6. Dick Patterson
DNS. Gerry Goodleff
70-74 (2 laps)
1. Ian Mahon1:34:27
2. Franco Crema
3. Terry Stone
4. Norman Kendall
5. John C Smith
6. Rino De Biasio
7. Cesario Cifilillini
8. Frank Ludtke
9. Robert Dumalanede
10. Gus McCarthy
11. Jim Lister
12. Torry Kier
DNS. Paul Hendricks
?. Barton Mann
75-79 (2 laps)
1. Robert Thom1:39:55
2. Peter Blockker
DNS. Barry Ogilvie
80+ (2 laps)
1. Bob Allen1:49:16
2. Tom Humeniuk
3. Eldo Neufeld
DNS. Doug Bentley
DNS. Harold Bridge

Hill Climb

This event was contested on a 2.15 km hill that averaged 7-8 percent grade with one 10% and one 13% section in the middle. As you can see from the times, some of the competitors did rides worthy of riders half or even a third of their age. The top men in the younger categories averaged close to 18kph!

1. Olwyn Ringheim31:48
1. Dora Ellis13:38
2. Jean Nelson13:41
3. Mary Ellen Pakka17:09
1. Sandra Olafson12:47
2. Donna Nicholas13:19
3. Audrey Sellars20:34
1. Verena Balke11:04
2. Hana Garrick11:12
3. Linda Scott11:57
4. Jean MacDonald12:03
5. Terry Chalmers12:23
6. Jan Schmidt13:14
1. Sandy Hartley10:50
2. Jannie Koomen19:05
1. Duane Martindale7:25
2. George McLaughlin8:49
3. Richard Argue9:06
4. Jacob Koomen9:1'7
5. Chris Hahlen9:59
6. Douglas Morley12:09
1. John Sullivan7:14
2. David Lloyd7:28
3. David Mercer7:40
4. Roy Kregosky8:14
5. Des Snider8:21
6. Dick Allin8:34
7. Harry Balke8:46
8. Derek Steel9:07
9. Michael Fibiger-Crossman11:10
10. Jim Henderson11:24
NT. Bob Lindsay
1. David Steen9, 00
2. David Emery9:15
3. Matt de Nys9:30
4. Dave Ellis9:34
5. Leo Le Couteur9:55
70-74. Terry Stone9:27
2. Norman Kendall9:31
3. John C Smith9:56
4. Gus McCarthy10:45
5. Robert Dumalanede10:54
6. Ian Mahon11:05
7. Frank Ludtke11:09
8. Franco Crema11:12
9. Rino De Biasio11:31
10. Barton Mann12:05
1. Peter Blokker11:02
1. Bob Allen10:28
2. Tom Humeniuk11:37
3. Eldo Neufeld15:02


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