Canadian Cyclist


September 25/07 10:38 am - Ontario Youth Cup Final: Tour of University Heights

Posted by Editoress on 09/25/07

Tour of University Heights - Big Prizes for Finale

The Tour of University Heights is the finale in the ground breaking Ontario Youth Cup series for youth between the ages of 10-16 (as of Dec 31, 2007).

In addition to podium medals, two Playstation Portable video game systems are available for prizes for the Ontario Youth Cup race scheduled for the afternoon of September 29, 2007. There must be a minimum of 30 pre-registered riders for these prizes to be given.

The race winners (8 categories) will draw for one of the systems. This means a race winner has a 1 in 8 chance of winning a brand new PSP!

The rest of the entrants excluding the race winners will draw for the second system.

Also, DOUBLE Youth Cup series points will be awarded. These points also apply to club challenge points. With smaller field sizes in some categories and up to 50 points available for the win. This gives a chance for your younger racers to become important members by helping your club move up the rankings.

Note: Entry is by Pre-registration only!

To register or find more race information go HERE


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