Canadian Cyclist


October 26/07 6:55 am - 2007 SIRC Research Award: Call for Papers

Posted by Editor on 10/26/07

2007 SIRC Research Award - Call for Papers

SIRC invites Canadian university students and faculty to submit their original sport related research for consideration of the 2007 SIRC Research Award. The Research Award recognizes outstanding sport research that benefits the Canadian sporting community. SIRC introduced the award in 2003 and has been promoting sport research in Canada and around the world for over 30 years.

This year, the 2007 SIRC Research Award has two categories. Your submission must fall into one of these two categories.

The social impact of sport on the community:

This category contains research in four broad areas;

• culture and sport
• health and wellness
• participation
• education and life long learning

The impact of applied research on athletic excellence / high performance:

This category contains research in four key areas of study;

• Sport Psychology
• Sport Physiology
• Sports Medicine
• Kinesiology

The Award:

The winner of each category will receive international exposure, prizes and $2,000. Prizing includes a one-year individual membership to SIRC, providing access to the SIRC Collection and the SIRC Document Delivery service.


• The applicant must be a Canadian citizen currently associated with a Canadian University or degree granting institution.
• You must submit original research that has not been previously published.
• Your paper must be written in English or French.
• Your paper must be a minimum of 2500 words and up to a maximum of 4000 words. (excluding references)
• Your research must be relevant and benefit the Canadian sporting community.
• An abstract should be sent electronically to, by November 16, 2007 for SIRC's initial approval.
• Submission of your research must be received electronically by December 28, 2007 in a word processing format to
• A hardcopy of your full submission, which includes your research, bio, abstract and photo along with a hardcopy with an original signature of the SIRC content license agreement as well as a signed copy of the eligibility outline must arrive by mail or courier by 4:30 pm (EST) on December 28, 2007.


Only applications that are electronically submitted to SIRC by the indicated deadline date of December 28, 2007 will be accepted. Please make your submissions to

Review Process:

Candidate's abstracts will be initially screened by members of SIRC (or a representative group).

Abstracts will be assessed based on the following criteria:

• Abstract content
• The results of long-term impact of the paper on the Canadian sporting community.

The review criteria for the paper are:

1. Relevance/significance of topic to sport, fitness or sport science in Canada
2. Relevant literature
3. Clarity of conceptual framework /appropriate methodology
4. The value to the Canadian sport system

All criteria will be evaluated on a 5-point scale (1 = poor, 5 = excellent). Judges are selected nationally and are considered experts in various areas of study within sport.

Important Submission Deadlines:

November 16th, 2007: Abstract and bio submission

December 28, 2007: Research paper is electronically received by In addition, a complete hardcopy of the applicant submission which includes a bio, an abstract, a photo of the applicant and a signed SIRC content license agreement with original applicant signature is received in our offices by 4:30 pm EST

SIRC's mailing address is 180 Elgin Street, Suite 1400, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2K3

Winners will be notified by March 28th, 2008

A piece of research is defined broadly and can include a term paper or a major research paper, which has been completed in his or her respective program and Canadian institution.

*Subject to change without notice.


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