Canadian Cyclist


November 3/07 7:54 am - Verge New England Championship Cyclo-Cross Series Race #3

Posted by Editoress on 11/3/07

Verge New England Championship Cyclo-Cross Series Race #3 - Chainbiter 8.0 Farmington CT

Elite Women
1. Lyne Bessette (Can) cyclocrossworld.com0:37:59
2. Rebecca Wellons (USA) Ridley Factory Teamat 0:09
3. Maureen Bruno Roy (USA) Wheelworks0:17
4. Natasha Elliott (USA) Stevens Cross0:34
5. Melanie Swartz (USA) Velo Bella Kona2:12
6. Amy Wallace (USA) RGM Watches - Richard Sachs2:26
7. Anna Milkowski (USA) Velo Bella-Kona2:50
8. Cris Rothfuss (USA) NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental2:57
9. Joanie Caron (Can) Team Cascades3:06
10. Perri Mertens (USA) Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames3:09
11. Sara Cushman (USA) Gear Works/Spin Arts3:13
12. Jennifer Stebbins (USA) Workers Comp Solutions/Everactive3:14
13. Alie Kenzer (USA) RGM Watches - Richard Sachs3:15
14. Ann Hansgate (USA) Terry Precision3:18
15. Marianne Stover (USA) Independent Fabrication4:00
16. Erin Duggan (USA) Anthem CCCC/Live the Edge4:09
17. Kim Blodgett (USA) Ridley Factory Team4:13
18. Megan Bilodeau (USA) HUP United4:18
19. Melody Chase (USA) Velo Bella - KONA4:21
20. Brenda Bahnson (USA) Independent Fabrications.t.
21. Kathleen Billington (USA) Schick4:40
22. Vicki Thomas (Can) Stevens Cross4:47
23. Stephanie White (USA) UNH Velo Bella4:51
24. Susan Maclean (USA) Gear Works/Spin Arts Cycling Team5:29
25. Heidi Vonteitenberg (USA) c3-Sollay5:59
26. Hannah Kirshner (USA) Circle A Cyclocross The Hub6:14
27. Alex Jospe (USA) International Bicycle Center7:21
28. Laura Jensen (USA) Benidorm/Eastern Bloc Cycling Club7:38
at 1. lap
29. Sally Annis (USA) NEBC/CycleLoft/Devonshire Dental
Elite Men
1. Christopher Jones (USA) Nerac Pro Cycling0:58:59
2. Jesse Anthony (USA) Jamisat 0:11
3. Mark McCormack (USA) Clif Bars.t.
4. Adam Myerson (USA) Nerac Pro Cycling1:08
5. Davide Frattini (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home p/b Cooking light
6. Troy Wells (USA) Clif Barboth s.t.
7. Tristan Schouten (USA) Planet Bike1:31
8. Osmond Bakker (Can) Stevens Racing
9. Matt Kraus (USA) RGM Watches - Richard Sachs
10. James Driscoll (USA) Fiordifrutta
11. Matt Shriver (USA) Jittery Joe's/Sonic Cyclocrossall s.t.
12. Ryan Leach (USA) GPOA-Cannondale1:50
13. Justin Spinelli (USA) KBS/Medifast Pro Cycling Team2:08
14. Mike Garrigan (Can) JETPOWER/Epic Ride2:44
15. Jerome Townsend (USA) Ridley Factory Team2:50
16. Nicholas Keough (USA) Jittery Joe's/Sonic Cyclocrosss.t.
17. Alec Donahue (USA) Joe's Garage3:06
18. Derrick St John (Can) The Cyclerys.t.
19. Adam McGrath (USA) Maxxis/Litespeed3:30
20. Weston Schempf (USA) C3-Sollay.coms.t.
21. Daniel Neyens (USA) Hagens-Berman Cycling Team4:40
22. Josh Dillon (USA) Fiordifrutta
23. Christian Favata (USA) ALAN North America
24. Morgan Macleod (USA) Mechanical Services/CycleMania
25. Justin Lindine (USA) Targetraining/Fastarall s.t.
26. Kevin Wolfson (USA) Dartmouth Cycling5:43
27. Ryan Fleming (USA) Comp Solutions/Legal Sea Foods6:00
28. Hunter Pronovost (USA) Anthem-CCCC6:08
29. William Dugan (USA) CCB/Volkswagen6:18
30. John Burns (USA) Bikeman.com6:25
31. Peter Rubijono (USA) Cambridge bike/Igleheart frames6:40
32. Corey Boilard (USA)6:52
33. Adam Sullivan (USA) NBX/Narragansett Beer Cyclocross7:10
34. Daniel Coady (USA) We Love Bicycless.t.
35. Dan Langlois (USA) Circle A/The Hub7:24
36. Benjamin Popper (USA) Twin 6/Killjoy7:35
at 1. lap
37. Aaron Oakes (USA) Van Dessel
38. Jamie Belchak (USA) NAV/
39. Amos Brumble (USA) CCB Volkswagon
40. Dylan O'Sullivan (USA) Housatonic Wheel Club
41. Ward Solar (USA) Verge Sport/Test Pilot
42. Michael Norton (USA) Verge Sport/Test Pilot
43. Brian Hayes (USA) RGM Watches/Richard Sachs
44. John Hanson (USA) FAST/IF powered by Lionette's


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