Canadian Cyclist


November 7/07 5:37 am - IMBA Canada News

Posted by Editoress on 11/7/07

IMBA Canada News

IMBA Canada Club Insurance Now Available

IMBA-affiliated clubs across Canada are eligible to purchase a special mountain biking club insurance policy from Oasis Insurance of Saskatchewan. The policy insures your club for liability arising from events like club rides, kids rides, meetings, bike patrols, and other club activities. It also covers the ownership, construction, design, use and maintenance of trails responsibly built to "Whistler Trail Standards". A standard policy costs $13 per club member, with no minimum premium. Details.

Update on Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park

More than 400 emails and letters were received by Ontario Parks in response to the IMBA Canada Action Alert concerning a potential ban on mountain biking in the new Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park. At a very positive meeting with Park Superintendent David Coulas on November 2nd, IMBA Canada learned that the Management Advisory Board is now reviewing the draft management plan in an effort to accommodate mountain biking. The final plan will be released mid-summer 2008. IMBA Canada will be monitoring all further developments and will post updates as they become available. Thank you to all IMBA Canada members and supporters that spoke up concerning the proposed management plan.

IMBA Canada Legal Fund Tops $4,000

IMBA Canada's Legal Fund has raised more than $4,000 so far thanks to the donations of IMBA Canada members and supporters. Our goal for 2007 is $6,000 with the proceeds directed at protecting mountain bikers' legal access to trails. Please help us reach our goal by reading more and donating today.

Back to School for IMBA Canada

Following a hectic summer of trail consulting contracts, it was back to school for IMBA Canada's Mark Schmidt, who returned to Capilano College on BC's Sunshine Coast to teach the first semester Park and Trail Design Course in the Mountain Bike Operations Certificate Program. Mark was also a guest speaker at Georgian College's Ski Resort Operations Program in Barrie, ON, talking about action sports and the idea of designing and building trails for off-season revenue generation.

Norco VPS-Fests Raise Money for IMBA Canada

Once again, Norco riders raised more than $1,000 for IMBA Canada through their purchase of t-shirts and other items at VPS-Fests across Canada. The customer appreciation days feature lift-accessed riding, tech support, and loads of chances to win free gear, with the proceeds of their on-site sales supporting trails and cycling advocacy in Canada. Read more.

IMBA Canada Welcomes New Corporate Members

A big welcome to our newest corporate supporters Lighthouse Brewing Company and Geomatics Data Management Inc.

Lighthouse Brewing Company is a Canadian owned, Victoria-based microbrewery that produces four all-natural, distinct beers available throughout British Columbia. Committed to sustainability and community, Lighthouse maintains strong environmental brewing practices and supports several organizations, including IMBA Canada. Find out where you can get your Lighthouse Brewery beer.

Geomatics Data Management Inc. was formed in 1997 to provide database and geodetic consulting services to the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry. Their flagship product is the GDM Pipeline and Facilities Database which is used by the majority of Canadian oil and gas companies, service companies, survey operations and government organizations. In addition to the Pipeline and Facilities Database they offer a GIS Services department for GIS pipeline and database needs.

If you or your company are interested in IMBA Canada Corporate Membership, contact


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