Canadian Cyclist


November 8/07 8:05 am - 2008 WADA Prohibited List Released

Posted by Editor on 11/8/07

2008 WADA Prohibited List Released
Courtesy CCES

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) would like to alert the Canadian sport community that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has released the 2008 Prohibited List. The new List comes into effect January 1, 2008.

Summary of Revisions:

The changes to the Prohibited List will be reflected in the Global Drug Information Database on the effective date. In addition, the CCES will release the 2008 CCES Substance Classification Booklet in December 2007.

WADA has summarized the differences from the 2007 list in a four-page explanatory note. Highlights include:

• Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have been added under Other Anabolic Agents.
• The category Agents with Anti-Estrogenic Activity has been changed to Hormone Antagonists and Modulators, and Agents modifying myostatin functions have been added to this section.
• Chemical and Physical Manipulation can now only be used in an acute medical situation, and must be justified by obtaining a retroactive Therapeutic Use Exemption.
• Alpha reductase inhibitors (e.g. finasteride, dutasteride) are now considered "specified substances" because laboratories can now determine whether they were used as a masking agent or not. "Specified substances" are those substances which are generally available in medicinal products or are less likely to be abused as doping agents.
• Alcohol is no longer prohibited in boules, a sport governed by the Confédération mondiale des sports de boules (CMSB).
• Beta blockers are now prohibited in powerboating, a sport governed by the Union internationale motonautique (UIM).

Further reading:

• 2008 Prohibited List:
• 2008 Prohibited List - Summary of Major Modifications
• Global Drug Information Database:


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