Canadian Cyclist


November 24/07 7:47 am - Saskatchewan Woman Receives Prosthetic Arm for Mountain Biking

Posted by Editor on 11/24/07

Saskatchewan Woman Receives Prosthetic Arm for Mountain Biking

Saskatoon Homepage is reporting that the Saskatchewan Abilities Council has designed an arm for disabled clients who want to mountain bike.

According to writer Sharon Vanhouwe, the Saskatchewan Abilities Council works with clients to enhance their independence and participation in the community, and has offered Orthopaedic services like this to improve the quality of life for clients since 1954. Recently, the Council's Prosthetic Coordinator designed an arm for Aubry Claypool, was born without a left arm and hand below the elbow.

Claypool says she's used all kinds of devices, from, what she describes as a lobster claw-thing to myo-electrics, but nothing worked until she and the Council's Prosthetic Coordinator were able to experiment and the new device which has opened the door for her to mountain biking.


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